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Budget: disability groups furious that ABC Ramp Up website to go Budget: disability groups furious that ABC Ramp Up website to go
(4 months later)
Disability groups and charities have criticised the government’s failure to fund the only dedicated disability website, ABC Ramp Up, in the budget.Disability groups and charities have criticised the government’s failure to fund the only dedicated disability website, ABC Ramp Up, in the budget.
Disability services have been further cut in a downsizing of the Human Rights Commission. The government has reduced the number of commissioners by one, abolishing the disability discrimination commissioner position held by Graeme Innes.Disability services have been further cut in a downsizing of the Human Rights Commission. The government has reduced the number of commissioners by one, abolishing the disability discrimination commissioner position held by Graeme Innes.
Innes announced the position had been cut on Twitter: “Last night's budget papers indicate that when I finish in July my position at the commission will not be filled.”Innes announced the position had been cut on Twitter: “Last night's budget papers indicate that when I finish in July my position at the commission will not be filled.”
The budget paper said, “The government will achieve savings of $1.7m over four years by reducing the number of human rights commissioners by one.The budget paper said, “The government will achieve savings of $1.7m over four years by reducing the number of human rights commissioners by one.
“An existing commissioner will take on a dual appointment, following the next vacancy in July 2014.”“An existing commissioner will take on a dual appointment, following the next vacancy in July 2014.”
On top of the 1% cut to ABC funding, the first budget of the treasurer, Joe Hockey, discontinued funding for the popular disability website hosted by the ABC.On top of the 1% cut to ABC funding, the first budget of the treasurer, Joe Hockey, discontinued funding for the popular disability website hosted by the ABC.
The ABC’s managing director, Mark Scott, said, “In addition to the funding cuts, the ABC will also have to manage the cessation of funding for the online disability website, ABC Ramp Up, at the end of this financial year.”The ABC’s managing director, Mark Scott, said, “In addition to the funding cuts, the ABC will also have to manage the cessation of funding for the online disability website, ABC Ramp Up, at the end of this financial year.”
On Twitter UNICEF Australia described the decision as a “devastating outcome” for all Australians.On Twitter UNICEF Australia described the decision as a “devastating outcome” for all Australians.
Writers Victoria said that it was “sad about closure of @ABCRampUp” because it is the only dedicated mainstream media outlet for writers with a disability. Writers Victoria said that it was “sad about closure of @ABCRampUp” because it is the only dedicated mainstream media outlet for writers with a disability.
The lobby group NDIS Now said, “Devastated that @ABCRampUp will shut down mid-year. Kudos to @stellajyoung for raising the level of disability discourse in Australia.”The lobby group NDIS Now said, “Devastated that @ABCRampUp will shut down mid-year. Kudos to @stellajyoung for raising the level of disability discourse in Australia.”
In 2010 the ABC launched a new web gateway for coverage of disability issues with funding from the Labor government.In 2010 the ABC launched a new web gateway for coverage of disability issues with funding from the Labor government.
Ramp Up was dedicated to discussion, news, debate, humour and general information for everyone in Australia’s disability communities.Ramp Up was dedicated to discussion, news, debate, humour and general information for everyone in Australia’s disability communities.
The comedian and disability advocate Stella Young was appointed editor. Last night she thanked everyone for their support.The comedian and disability advocate Stella Young was appointed editor. Last night she thanked everyone for their support.
Young, who will lose her position, was described by the ABC executive Bruce Belsham as passionate and driven.Young, who will lose her position, was described by the ABC executive Bruce Belsham as passionate and driven.
“However, Stella also has a healthy disregard for political correctness – a gift for lacing insight with wit,” Belsham said in 2010.“However, Stella also has a healthy disregard for political correctness – a gift for lacing insight with wit,” Belsham said in 2010.
“I’m sure there will be plenty of debate from within the community. But there will also be space for humour and to reflect upon personal stories.”“I’m sure there will be plenty of debate from within the community. But there will also be space for humour and to reflect upon personal stories.”
The website features columns from people with a wide range of disabilities and stories on the disability community by people who know the community best.The website features columns from people with a wide range of disabilities and stories on the disability community by people who know the community best.