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At the top of their game At the top of their game
(about 7 hours later)
Photographer Rafal Milach's latest work is a delightful collection of pictures that depict winners of various state and local competitions in Belarus.Photographer Rafal Milach's latest work is a delightful collection of pictures that depict winners of various state and local competitions in Belarus.
His portraits capture a wide range of those at the top of their game, though the categories are free ranging, including:His portraits capture a wide range of those at the top of their game, though the categories are free ranging, including:
The work is naturally enough entitled Winners and is part of Milach's ongoing work examining propaganda in post-Soviet bloc countries.The work is naturally enough entitled Winners and is part of Milach's ongoing work examining propaganda in post-Soviet bloc countries.
Each portrait is a delight, framed to perfection, with the background details telling the story as much as the sitter themselves.Each portrait is a delight, framed to perfection, with the background details telling the story as much as the sitter themselves.
Milach's pictures have gained international recognition, including a World Press Photo award as well as being shown in solo exhibitions from Poland to China.Milach's pictures have gained international recognition, including a World Press Photo award as well as being shown in solo exhibitions from Poland to China.
Here are a few from the series for you to enjoy.Here are a few from the series for you to enjoy.
All photographs by Rafal Milach, courtesy Institute / GOST books. All photographs by Rafal Milach, courtesy Institute. Winners is published by GOST books.