Budget: slower start to Direct Action climate change plan than expected


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The centrepiece of Tony Abbott’s Direct Action plan to tackle climate change will go ahead more slowly than anticipated, alongside the abolition of the carbon tax and the purchase of a new icebreaker ship.The emissions reduction fund, which will work with businesses and households to cut carbon emissions, will receive $2.55bn of funding from 1 July, the budget confirmed.But spending will be slower than anticipated because the fund will not make payments until the abatements are delivered.The fund is working towards an emissions target of 5% below the 2000 level by 2020, and will enter into contracts totalling the promised $2.55bn over the next four years.The government reaffirmed its commitment to cutting the carbon tax, saying it increases energy costs for businesses and households, and adding that the fund will lower energy costs at the same time as reducing emissions.As well as the fund, the budget provides $50m over four yearsto support the planting of 20m trees, and $525m will be spent over four years on what it calls a "green army” of young people to tackle local environmental challenges.Composed of young people aged between 17 and 24, the team will grow to 15,000 by 2018, says the government, and aims to provide work experience and training as well as a paid allowance for up to six months.The government will also replace the Bureau of Meteorologysupercomputer, which is nearing the end of its life, in order toimprove its capacity to forecast weather.At the same time, the government has committed to buying a new icebreaker to replace the Aurora Australis, to provide support forAustralia’s Antarctic research stations.$9.4m will be spent next year to ensure the continued running ofAustralia’s three Antarctic and one sub-Antarctic stations, and $24m to support a collaborative research project with the University of Tasmania and CSIRO.The government has also committed to expanding Hobart international airport, and will spend $45.3m over four years to maintain the Airlink service between Hobart and the Wilkins ice runway near Casey station, with a further $13.4m yearly for fuel and other logistical support.The budget also includes a $40m investment in a new reef trust to guide the management of the Great Barrier Reef world heritage area. It will implement the Reef 2050 plan, which is being developed jointly with the Queensland government and the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority, continuing efforts to improve coastal habitat and water quality.The funding includes $2m for a program to cull crown-of-thornsstarfish and $5m for a dugong and turtle protection plan.