U.S. lawmakers thank their favorite teachers: ‘She flunked me — and rightly so!’


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Thanks to all the teachers out there who are helping students #ReachHigher and achieve their dreams. You’re incredible! #ThankATeacher –mo — The First Lady (@FLOTUS) May 6, 2014

Thanks to all the teachers out there who are helping students #ReachHigher and achieve their dreams. You’re incredible! #ThankATeacher –mo

— The First Lady (@FLOTUS) May 6, 2014

In honor of National Teacher Day on Tuesday, a number of U.S. lawmakers from various states tweeted about their favorite teachers at #ThankATeacher. Here’s a list of those who participated, along with the names of their teachers and what made them so great, compiled by the National Education Association.


Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-Ala.)

Teacher:        Hattie Buness (fourth grade teacher) School: Evergreen Elementary School (Wrangell, Ala.) Statement:      “Mrs. Buness opened the world for me when she taught me to read, to explore, and to question.”

Rep. Don Young (R-Ala. At-Large)

Teacher:        Mrs. McCall School:          Salem, Calif. Statement:      “She flunked me—and rightly so!”


Rep. Ed Pastor (D-Ariz.) Teacher:        Henry Reyna (ninth grade science teacher) School: Miami High School (Miami, Ariz.) Statement:    “Mr. Reyna was the only Mexican-American teacher at the high school and inspired me to overcome any barriers in order to achieve my goals.”

Rep. Raúl M. Grijalva (D-Ariz.)

Teacher:        Mrs. Pare School: Sunnyside High School (Tucson, Ariz.) Statement:      “How can you pick one favorite teacher when there are so many teachers who have had an impact on your life?”


Rep. Thomas Bryant “Tom” Cotton (R-Ark.)

Teacher:        Anna Collins School: Dardanelle High School (Dardanelle, Ark.) Statement:      “Mrs. Collins was my history teacher for three straight years in high school. She was a great teacher (even when I acted up) and instilled a keen interest in history in me that I still have today.”


Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.)

Teacher:        Virginia Ryder School: Grant School (San Francisco, Calif.) Statement:      “She took me under her wing, giving me individual attention and enabled me to go to a good high school.  On this National Teacher Day, I thank Ms. Ryder for her extraordinary service and thank all of the wonderful teachers across the country who work tirelessly to ensure that our children reach their highest potential.”

Rep. Ken Calvert (R-Calif.)

Teacher:         Arthur “Art” Van Matre (seventh and eighth grade biology teacher, football coach) Statement:      “He left quite an impression on [me] and really taught [me] a lot about character.”  Mr. Van Matre passed away several years ago.

Rep. Adam B. Schiff (D-Calif.)

Teacher:        Barbara Abbott School:          Monte Vista High School (Danville, Calif.) Statement:      “Mrs. Abbott was my Shakespeare teacher, and during the summer she would take a group of us to the Shakespeare festival in Oregon where we would camp out and watch a different play each day. (Sometimes more than one each day!) She was a marvelous teacher, with infectious enthusiasm, and showed us the beauty of the English language. I still remember her warm smile, her laugh, her dedication to her students, and a passion for Shakespeare that she passed on to her students—a passion I still share.”

Rep. Zoe Lofgren (D-Calif.)

Teacher:        John C. Attig School: Gunn High School (Palo Alto, Calif.) Statement:      “John Attig taught government and politics right off the pages of the newspaper.  He made politics and government exciting, vital, and compelling. His passion made his students passionate.  He was both entertaining and instructive—an inspired and inspiring teacher.”

Rep. Mike Honda (D-Calif.)

Teacher:        Mr. Williams (chemistry and physics teacher) School: San Jose High School (San Jose, Calif.) Statement:      “Mr. Williams was always prepared, wasted no time (he respected our time in class), always had eye contact with a genuine smile with the students, and knew our names.  We were not all ‘A’ students but no one avoided classes because they didn’t know something.  He stayed after class to re-teach something he thought we didn’t understand. I once saw him delivering papers to augment his income and he never missed a beat.”

Rep. Sam Farr (D-Calif.)

Teacher:        Enid Larson School: Carmel High School (Carmel) Statement:      “She never used books, but rather she taught students to find their own answers to questions …. In this way she was developing potential and encouraging students to understand their own capacities and how do good with those.”

Rep. Lois Capps (D-Calif.)

Teacher:        Miss  Lacey (fourth grade teacher) School:           Sackajewa Elementary School (Richland, Wash.) Statement:     “[Miss Lacey] inspired a love of writing.”

Rep. Mark Takano (D-Calif.)

Teacher:        Cheryl Bigham (social studies) School:          Arizona Middle School (Riverside, Calif.) Statement:      “My favorite teacher was Mrs. Bigham, who taught Social Studies at my Junior High School. I’ll never forget the day she brought Congressman George Brown in to speak to the class. His speech to my class that day is one of the main reasons why I am where I am, as it inspired me to find ways to serve my community and help those who need it the most.”

Rep. Scott Peters (D-Calif.)

Teacher:     Robert Adriance School:          Westfield Senior High School (Westfield, N.J.) Statement:      “[Robert Adriance] taught me the workings of the American government and how, through its three branches and its separation of powers, it could be a powerful force for prosperity and fairness.  Maybe he could teach today’s DC a thing or two!”

Rep. Barbara Lee (D-Calif.)

Teacher:        Sister Robert Marie School:            St. Joseph’s School (El Paso, Tex.) Statement:      “As a young girl in El Paso, Texas, my parents and grandparents refused to participate in the segregated public school system in the area so I attended a Catholic school run by the Sister’s of Loretto called St. Joseph’s School. This order was founded on the principles of working for justice and acting for peace which were instilled in us daily. In addition to receiving lessons in logic, reading, English and arithmetic, we learned about our call to serve the poor and to advocate for all forms of justice.  I particularly remember one of my teachers, Sister Robert Marie.  Her generosity and compassion for the most vulnerable was both inspiring and contagious. I believe she planted an early seed in my heart that led to my career in public service and my continued fight for equality.”

Rep. Jerry McNerney (D-Calif.)

Teacher:        Ron Black (geometry) School:           St. Pious X High School (Albuquerque, N.M.) Statement:      “My most memorable teacher was Ron Black, who taught Geometry at St. Pious X High School in Albuquerque, N.M. He changed my life by showing me the beauty of math; years later, I have a PhD in Mathematics, and I still think math is beautiful.”

Rep. Loretta Sanchez (D-Calif.)

Teacher:        Glee Helms (fifth and sixth grades) School:           Sunkist Elementary School (Anaheim, Calif.) Statement:      “Great teachers broaden your horizon. My fifth and sixth grade teacher Glee Helms made me try everything: writing, reading, math, art, you name it…and I ended up loving all of it.”


Rep. Rosa L. DeLauro (D-Conn.)

Teacher:        Sister Margaret Ellen (political science teacher) School:          Marymount College (Arlington, Va.)


Rep. Alcee L. Hastings (D-Fla.)

Teacher:        H.L. Douglas School: Crooms Academy High School (Sanford, Fla.) Statement:      “H.L. Douglas, a gentleman and a scholar.  He coached basketball, football, baseball, and taught chemistry.  [He was a] no-nonsense disciplinarian who exuded love.”

Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-Fla.)

Teacher:        Fran Botton (fifth and sixth grade teacher) School:          Magnolia Open School (Long Beach, N.Y.) Statement:      “She helped me shine academically and at that often fragile age, gave me confidence when I wasn’t always sure of myself.”

Rep. Dennis Ross (R-Fla.)

Teacher:        Jackie Bell (journalism teacher) School:          Lakeland High School (Lakeland, Fla.) Statement:      “Ms. Bell was my journalism teacher when I was a sports editor for Lakeland High School’s paper, the Lakeland Bagpipe. She was committed to excellence and her passion for teaching made learning enjoyable for everyone in the class.”

Rep. Ted Deutch (D-Fla.) Teacher:        Craig Zieger (junior high English teacher) School:          Northeast Junior High School (Bethlehem, Pa.) Statement:      “My most memorable teacher was Mr. Craig Zieger, my junior-high English teacher. He taught me the importance of reading every day and thinking through every issue.”

Rep. Bill Posey (R-Fla.)

Teacher:        Viola Williams School: Cocoa Elementary School (Cocoa, Fla.) Statement:      “She taught [me] how to read.”


Rep. Jack Kingston (R-Ga.)

Teacher:        John Townsend (eighth grade civics teacher) School:          Clark Junior High School (Athens, Ga.) Statement:      “Through Mr. Townsend, [I] learned that civics and politics was ‘cool.’”

Rep. Sanford D. Bishop, Jr. (D-Ga.)

Teacher:        Lester Rutland School:  Central High School (Mobile, Ala.) Statement:       “Mr. Rutland encouraged and inspired [me] to become involved in student government and eventually run for school, district, and state Student Council President positions.”


Sen. Mazie Hirono (D-Hawaii)

Teacher:        Yoshinobu Oshiro School: Koko Head Elementary School (Pearl City, Hawaii) Statement:      “From when I was in his sixth grade class at Koko Head Elementary School, to when he was awarded the Congressional Award Medal and up to his recent publication of Reflections of Honor: The Untold Story of a Nisei Spy, Mr. Oshiro continues to guide and inspire me.”


Rep. Mike Simpson (R-Idaho) Teacher:        Dwight Baker (eleventh grade chemistry teacher) School:          Blackfoot HHigh School (Blackfoot, Idaho) Statement:      “Mr. Baker made a difficult subject interesting and easy to grasp. Throughout college and dental school I often reflected on the lessons he taught me.”


Sen. Mark Kirk (R-Ill.)

Teacher:        Robert Karp (seventh and eighth grade social studies teacher) School:          Joseph Sears School (Kenilworth, Ill.) Statement:      “Mr. Karp invented ‘Geography Baseball’ and turned it into a right of passage in our town. We memorized the locations of Georgia (then in the Soviet Union), Goa (in India) and the Gobi desert (in China). It sparked an interest to see each of these places and to understand America’s role in the world.  I have seen each one and am now working to expand language and exchange opportunities for all American students.  Mr. Karp has passed away, but I carried his legacy as a nursery school assistant, middle school teacher, and now as a congressman.”

Rep. Danny K. Davis (D-Ill.) Congressman Davis grew up in rural Arkansas where school was in session only five months a year.  He attended a one-room school.

Teacher:        Beaddie King (first through eighth grades teacher, including two primers) School: No school name (Parkdale, Ark.) Statement:      “Ms. Beaddie was an inspiration and such a wonderful teacher.  [S]he was my kindergarten teacher and then later on she was my English and literature teacher when I graduated from high school.”

Rep. John Shimkus (R-Ill.)

Teacher:        Joe Spurgeon (teacher and coach) School: Collinsville High School (Collinsville, Ill.) Statement:      Mr. Spurgeon strove for excellence in the classroom, gym, and the athletic field as a coach; he was unrelenting in the pursuit of excellence.  Those who were fortunate to have him learned teamwork, self-sacrifice, and a strong work ethic.”

Rep. Cheri Bustos (D-Ill.)

Teacher:        Kris Glintborg (high school basketball coach) School: Springfield High School (Springfield, Ill.) “[Kris Glintborg] was my teacher and my high school basketball coach. I learned so much from him—mostly about life. Working hard. Training hard. Practice. Practice. Practice. Being tough but polite to our opponents. Bouncing back after a mistake. Coming back stronger after a defeat. I keep in touch with him to this day and consider him a mentor, my friend and an ultimate teacher.”


Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa)

Teacher:        Dr. Irma Plaehn School: The University of Northern Iowa Statement:      “Dr. Plaehn was a special teacher because she took such a personal interest in the welfare of her students beyond the classroom.”

Rep. Tom Latham (R-Iowa)

Teacher:        T.T. Kies School: CAL Community High School (Latimer, Iowa) Statement:      “Mr. Kies was an outstanding educator who was a friend and counselor to everyone in the community.  He taught mathematics in a method that made it relevant to our everyday lives allowing students to easily grasp real life need for studying the subject.”


Sen. Jerry Moran (R-Kan.)

Teacher:         Mabel Pruter (fourth grade teacher) School: Plainville Grade School (Plainville, Kan.) Statement:      “Mrs. Pruter cared about each of her students, loved each one of them, but had high expectations of all students.  She made it clear that I had the ability to do well if I applied myself and that it was OK to be smart.”

KENTUCKY Rep. Harold ‘Hal’ Rogers (R-Ky.) Congressman Rogers’ favorite teacher taught him in a one-room schoolhouse.

Teacher:        Herbert Bell School:          Ramsey School (Wayne County, Ky.) Statement:       “Mr. Bell opened my eyes to a world much, much larger than the small rural valley where I grew up.”


Sen. Barbara Mikulski (D-Md.)

Teacher:        Sister Mary Hathaway (sixth grade teacher) School:          Sacred Heart of Jesus Elementary School (Baltimore, Md.) Statement:      “Sister Hathaway taught me not only about a school subject, she taught me about myself. She had faith in me and taught me to speak up and develop confidence in myself.”

Sen. Ben Cardin (D-Md.)

Teacher:        Eddie Brown (English) School: Garrison Junior High School (Baltimore, Md.) Statement:      “I am a proud product of Baltimore Public Schools. My most memorable teacher, Mrs. Eddie Brown, taught English and made me see the deep and abiding importance of an education at a young age.”

Rep. Elijah E. Cummings (D-Md.) Prior to having Mr. Posey, Rep. Cummings was placed in special education because he was told that he “talked too much.”  Mr. Posey’s encouragement helped Rep. Cummings leave special education and enter into Baltimore’s prestigious Baltimore City College High School (from where his colleagues Reps. Ruppersberger and Cardin also graduated), go to Howard University, and then on to law school.

Teacher:        Hollis Posey (sixth grade teacher) School:          (Baltimore, Md.) Statement:      “Mr. Posey was the person who convinced me that I could achieve anything if I worked hard and simply believed.”


Rep. Michael H. Michaud (D-Maine)

Teacher:        Andy Hopkins School:            Schenk High School (East Millinocket, Maine) Statement:      “Encouraged civic involvement, even if he was Republican!”


Rep. John F. Tierney (D-Mass.)

Teacher:         Ann DiCarlo (seventh and eighth grade English teacher) School:           Pickering School (Salem, Mass.) Statement:      “She set demanding goals and insisted on discipline while managing to exhibit respect and concern for her students at the same time, and her ability to motivate and to encourage students to excel without exposing them to peer pressure as ‘teacher’s pet’ were skills she exercised deftly, especially when she taught me how to embrace the role of public speaker.”

Rep. James P. McGovern (D-Mass.) Twitter:         @RepMcGovern Teacher:        Ms. Donahue School: Worcester Academy (Worcester, Mass.) Statement:      “Regardless of a child’s achievement, [she] was accepting and encouraging.”


Rep. Fred Upton (R-Mich.)

Teacher:        Mike Denekas (ninth grade civics class teacher) School:           St. Joseph Public School (Mich.) Statement:      “Mr. Denekas truly made government come alive.  As I became a Member of Congress much later on, I was able to speak to his class until he retired.”

Rep. Dan Benishek, M.D. (R-Mich.)

Teacher:         Cliff Haney (ninth grade science teacher) School:                  West Iron County High School (Upper Peninsula, Mich.) Statement:      “As a young man in Northern Michigan, I was particularly inspired by my ninth grade science teacher, Mr. Haney, who instilled in me a love for learning that served as a foundation for both medical school and my current position in Congress.”


Sen. Thad Cochran (R-Miss.)

Teacher:        Emma Grace Cochran School: Byram High School (Jackson, Miss.) Statement:      “Her enthusiasm for learning was contagious. She had a great sense of humor and made being in her classroom fun, and at the same time inspired all her students to work hard and do their very best.”


Rep. Lee Terry (R-Neb.)

Teacher:        Steve Sergeant School: Northwest High School (Omaha, Neb.)


Sen. Harry Reid (D-Nev.)

Teacher:        Mrs. Pickard (eighth grade) School: Searchlight Elementary School (Searchlight, Nev.) Statement:      “She taught me how to read and helped me develop a love of learning. I read a lot to this day, and that’s partly because of her.”

Teacher:        Marlon Walker (high school Spanish teacher) School: Basic High School (Henderson, Nev.)

Teacher:        Mike O’Callaghan (high school government teacher and coach) School: Basic High School (Henderson, Nev.) Statement:      “[Marlon Walker and Mike O’Callaghan] were both disciplinarians and were both strong moral examples for their students. They helped me develop my character and my conscience, along with teaching me their subjects.”


Sen. Robert Menendez (D-N.J.) Teacher:         Gail Harper School:             Union Hill High School (Union City, N.J.) Statement:      “She helped me overcome and master my fear of speaking in public, which obviously changed my life.”

Rep. Rush D. Holt (D-N.J.)

Teacher:        Mrs. Brown School: Lewisburg Elementary School (Lewisburg, W.V.)

Rep. Frank A. LoBiondo (R-N.J.)

Teacher:        Jim Fegan (coach) School: Georgetown Preparatory School (North Bethesda, Md.) Statement:      “Jim instilled in me the value of hard work, the importance of team, and the critical necessity of believing in one’s self. For that I am forever grateful.”

Rep. Bill Pascrell, Jr. (D-N.J.)

Teacher:        Sister Emila Joseph School: St. John the Baptist (Patterson, N.J.)


Rep. Timothy H. Bishop (D-N.Y.)

Teacher:        Clyde Thompson (eleventh social studies teacher) School:          Southampton High School Statement:      “Mr. Thompson instilled in me a fascination with government and public service, as well as an appreciation for history.  He also taught me how to write.”

Rep. Gregory W. Meeks (D-N.Y.)

Teacher:        Elizabeth Anderson School:          Julia Richmond High School (Manhattan, N.Y.) Statement:      “Ms. Anderson went above and beyond what was required of her as a teacher and inspired young people like myself to live up to their potential.  Countless times, she showed how invested she was in our achievement, like the time she rallied around me when I ran for student leadership, it sparked my interest in public service.”

Rep. José E. Serrano (D-N.Y.)

Teacher:        Selma Altsman-Binder (drama teacher) School:          Grace Dodge Career and Technical High School (The Bronx, N.Y.) Statement:      “This teacher brought me out of my shell and demanded the best of me in a loving, supportive way.”


Rep. Virginia Foxx (R-N.C.)

Teacher:        Jack Norton (student English teacher) School:          Crossnore High School (Crossnore, N.C.) Statement:      “I grew up exceptionally poor and worked as my high school janitor while I was a student in order to help my family.  Mr. Norton recognized my talents and inspired me to be the first person in my family to graduate high school and go to college.”

Rep. Mike McIntyre (D-N.C.)

Teacher:        Marion Thompson School: Lumberton High School (Lumberton, N.C.) Statement:      “Marion Thompson is a true professional whose love of teaching is evident in the enthusiasm, eagerness, and effectiveness she demonstrates with every class and each individual student.  Both my wife and I treasure the positive and powerful learning experience we had under her tutelage.  She could have been successful at any number of professions, but Marion choose teaching and elevated it to its highest level.”


Rep. Steve Chabot (R-Ohio)

Teacher:        Parma (Fiero) Samad (sixth grade teacher) School:          St. Catherine of Siena School (Cincinnati, Ohio) Statement:       “Ms. Fiero emphasized learning about other countries. I remember one assignment, that I especially enjoyed, required us to conduct research into other countries and cultures. Ms. Fiero asked us to put together a booklet that contained information about countries from around the world. I was fascinated by what I learned and this really sparked my interest in world affairs. I now serve on the House International Relations Committee, and I root my interest in world affairs in Ms. Fiero’s lessons.”

Rep. Timothy Ryan (D-Ohio)

Teacher:         John Gillen (twelfth grade teacher) School:                  John F. Kennedy High School (Warren, Ohio) Statement:               “Mr. Gillen taught his students that each of us had the ability to tap into untouched levels of human potential, and we had a responsibility to our community and nation to stretch to those heights.”

Rep. Bill Johnson (R-Ohio)

Teacher:         Mrs. Taylor (second grade) School:                  Lowes Grove Elementary School (Durham, N.C.) Statement:       “[Mrs. Taylor] understood the trauma I was experiencing in our dysfunctional home, and she took extra time with me to make sure I had the tools to succeed.”

Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) In 2009, Ron McCunn, who passed away last month at age 63. Rep. Jordan delivered a speech on the floor of the House of Representatives on Sept. 15, 2009, citing Coach McCunn as a major influence in his life.

Teacher:        Ron McCunn (chemistry and physics, wrestling coach) School:           Graham High School (St. Paris, Ohio) Statement:      “Ron McCunn coached at Graham High School in St. Paris, Ohio, for 23 years.  During his career, he led Graham’s wrestlers to their first three state championships (1982, 1998, and 2001). His hard work, dedication, and discipline not only brought national recognition to the wrestling program, but also had a positive impact on the students, athletes, and families whose lives he touched.”


Rep. Suzanne Bonamici (D-Ore.)

Teacher:         Ms. Dorrian School: Northville High School (Northville, Mich.) Statement:      “I especially appreciate my high school English teacher Ms. Dorrian, who instilled in me the love of reading, writing, and learning.”


Rep. Charles W. Dent (R-Pa.)

Teacher:        Robert Fisher (social studies teacher) School:          Allen High School (Allentown, Pa.) Statement:      “He taught courses in the Cold War and helped stimulate [my] interest in foreign policy.  He actively promoted critical thinking among his students.”


Sen. Jack Reed (D-R.I.)

Teacher:        Brother Amian Paul School: LaSalle Academy (Providence, R.I.) Statement:      “He had an intimidating manner.  He shook me into realizing I had academic potential. He did that literally by shaking me.”


Sen. Tim Johnson (D-S.D.) Teacher:        Donna (Cook) Gross (high school English teacher) School: Vermillion High School (Vermillion, S.D.) Statement:      “[She] inspired me to acquire an interest in literature and in writing.  She also pointed out that I could be both a football player and a good student.”

Sen. John Thune (R-S.D.)

Teacher:        Margie Peters School: Jones County High School (Murdo, S.D.) Statement:      “She demanded excellence and helped [me] improve [my] writing skills.  She was tough, but fair, and cared deeply about making her students better.”


Rep. Jim Cooper (D-Tenn.)

Teacher:        Coy Summerford (fourth grade teacher) School: Madison Street Elementary (Shelbyville, Tenn.) Statement:      “The only paddling I ever got in school was from her, and I deserved it.  She was strict, but she was brilliant.  I was in her class when John F. Kennedy was shot.”


Rep. John Culberson (R-Tex.)

Teacher’ Name:           Sylvia Norton (fourth grade teacher) School: West University Elementary (Houston, Texas) Statement:       “[She] encouraged my lifelong love of learning and helped me learn to respect and get along with others.”

Rep. Kenny Marchant (R-Tex.)

Teacher:         Georgia Ogle School: R.L. Turner High School (Carrollton, Texas) Statement:      “When I first ran for city council in Carrollton, she returned my campaign brochure.  It was corrected with a red pen for grammatical errors.”

Rep. Ralph Hall (D-Tex.)

Teacher:        Willie D. Yarborough (high school history and drama teacher) Statement:       “She was the first teacher who made me believe I could be a success.”

Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson (D-Tex.)

Teacher:        Cleo Jones (physics teacher) School:  A.J. Moore High School (Waco, Texas) Statement:       “Mr. Jones challenged each and every one of his students to be the best they could be and cared for them as if they were his own.”


Sen. Orrin G. Hatch (R-Utah)

Teacher:        Eleanor Smith (English teacher) School:          Baldwin High School (Pittsburgh, Pa.) Statement:      “She inspired me to go on to college at a time when the most that could be expected of me was to continue to work at the trade that I had learned.  She told me that one day I would be a great poet.”

U.S. VIRGIN ISLANDS Del. Donna M. Christensen (D-V.I.)

Teacher:        Mercedes Jackson (second grade teacher) School: St. Mary’s Catholic School (St. Croix, V.I.) Statement:      “In addition to being no-nonsense, she was encouraging and understanding of the ways of a second grader, as the only African American and local teacher … Ms. Jackson became a role model for [me].”


Rep. J. Randy Forbes (R-Va.)

Teacher:        The Honorable Harry B. Blevins (current member of Virginia Senate) School:          Great Bridge High School (Chesapeake, Va.) Statement:      “He raised the funds to send me to the first Presidential Classroom for Young Americans, saying if they can train one student in government, he would then come back and make a difference in the community and help train others.”

Rep. Scott Rigell (R-Va.)

Teacher:        Ms. Rice (eleventh grade English teacher) School:          Titusville High School (Titusville, Fla.) Statement:      “Ms. Rice really required a lot of us in our writing and improving our writing. I remember her requiring us to fill out little notecards outlining our paper we were going to turn into her. I think of her often when I’m writing and how she would want me to write this, or going back and editing something again—really being diligent in the pursuit of good writing. I think it was a lifetime gift she imparted in me and I know that all my other fellow students—we are all older now of course, but we have very fond memories and great appreciation for Ms. Rice.”

Rep. Morgan Griffith (R-Va.)

Teacher:        Laura Spurlock (sixth grade) School: George Washington Carver Consolidated School and West Salem Elementary (Salem, Va.) Statement:      “Mrs. Spurlock was a warm and nurturing teacher who I remember fondly and kept in touch with regularly until her death; she was the first teacher to encourage me to pursue a future in law and politics, and her encouragement and faith in my abilities spurred my growing interest in both avocations.”

Teacher:        Mrs. Charlotte B. Griffith School: Broad Street Elementary (Salem, Va.) and Glenvar Middle School (Roanoke, Va.) Statement:      “My mom, who was a great teacher, although never one of my classroom teachers, was active in community affairs and inspired me to be involved in issues of the day; she was inspirational not only to me, but to the former students of hers who continue to comment to me that she was their favorite teacher.”


Sen. Patty Murray (D-Wash.)

Teacher:        high school band teacher Statement:      “He taught us about the importance of working as a team, practice and hard work.”

Rep. Adam Smith (D-Wash.)

Teacher:         Sterling Smith School:               Chinook Middle School and Tyee High School (SeaTac, Wash.) Statement:          “He showed a passion for learning and the English language that was truly inspiring for all those of us lucky enough to have him for a teacher.”