Taleban leader in new war threat


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A website posting said to be from Taleban spiritual head Mullah Mohammad Omar threatens a "surprising" rise in Afghan violence in the coming months.

The message also threatens to bring President Hamid Karzai before an Islamic court whose "justice is known very well to all".

Mullah Omar condemns the UN and Nato and urges supporters to be united even if from different Islamic schools.

The authenticity of the message could not be independently verified.

The whereabouts of Mullah Omar are not known although some sources have said he is in either Afghanistan or Pakistan.

He has been in hiding since the Taleban regime was ousted by US-led forces in late 2001.

UN and Nato forces are fighting increasing activity from the Taleban in the south and east of the country.


The website posting was made for Eid el-Fitr, the feast marking the end of the Islamic holy fasting month of Ramadan.

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Mullah Omar says: "In the coming months the war will become many times more forceful and organised... I believe that the war will become forceful at a surprising level."

He says President Karzai is looking for a way to "escape" but that the mujahedeen fighters will not allow that.

"We will undoubtedly bring [President Karzai and his government] before an Islamic court and the power of justice of our courts is known very well to all."

Mullah Omar says the government has failed to bring peace or control the country's drugs trade.

He says Mr Karzai is a "stooge" of Western powers similar to those put in place during the Soviet occupation.

Mullah Omar condemns Nato troop deployments and the role of the UN.

"The United Nations has no positive message for the Islamic world," he says.

The Taleban head also calls on his supporters to "ensure cohesion in their ranks".

"All Muslims belonging to every school of Islamic jurisdiction are brothers to each other and there is no difference between them," he says.