N Korea links tests to 'pressure'


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North Korea will not carry out a second nuclear test unless "harassed" by the US, according to media reports in South Korea and Japan.

Sources familiar with a briefing given by a Chinese envoy after talks with the North's leader said Kim Jong-il wanted a nuclear-free Korean peninsula.

US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice earlier expressed doubts that Mr Kim had made any pledges on future tests.

She is heading home after an Asian tour to bolster UN sanctions on the North.

Disarmament talks

The reports carried by Japan's Kyodo news agency and the Yonhap agency in South Korea quoted separate sources familiar with the briefing given by Chinese envoy Tang Jiaxuan to other countries after his talks last week in Pyongyang.

NEW UN SANCTIONS Bans sale to, or export from, N Korea of military hardwareBans sale or export of nuclear and missile related itemsBans sale of luxury goodsFreezes finances and bans travel of anyone involved in nuclear, missile programmesAllows inspection of cargo to and from N KoreaStresses new resolution needed for further action <a href="/1/hi/world/asia-pacific/2340405.stm" class="">Q&A: Nuclear crisis</a> <a href="/1/hi/world/asia-pacific/1907197.stm" class="">N Korea's mercurial leader</a> <a href="/1/hi/world/asia-pacific/6043610.stm" class="">Who stands where</a>

Both reports said that Mr Kim told Mr Tang there were no plans to add to the nuclear test of 9 October but that the North would respond to US pressure.

The officials cited by Kyodo said Mr Kim told Mr Tang the US was trying to crush the North through hostile policies, including tough financial sanctions.

Kyodo said Mr Kim expressed his intention to honour a 1992 declaration to preserve a nuclear-free Korean peninsula in accordance with the wishes of his father, the late leader Kim Il-sung.

The sources cited by Yonhap said Mr Kim promised that North Korea would return soon to six-party disarmament talks - stalled since late 2005 - if the US lifted the financial sanctions.

Neither the Japanese nor South Korean governments have confirmed the agency reports.

China sent Mr Tang (L) to meet Mr Kim after the nuclear test

Mr Tang reportedly told Ms Rice that: "Fortunately my visit this time has not been in vain."

But Ms Rice, who was completing the final leg of her diplomatic tour in Russia after visiting Japan, South Korea and China, said: "Tang did not tell me that Kim Jong-il either apologised for the test or said that he would not ever test again."

Mr Tang was sent to Pyongyang by Chinese President Hu Jintao to urge the Stalinist state not to repeat the blast.

China, North Korea's closest ally, has reportedly threatened to cut off vital oil supplies if further tests are conducted.

China also backed the resolution in the UN Security Council that imposed sanctions targeting Pyongyang's missile and weapons programmes, amid global outrage at the test.

On Sunday, thousands of South Korean anti-war activists marched in Seoul to call for direct US-North Korean talks to ease the crisis and accusing Washington of endangering peace.

Some carried banners with slogans such as "No to war! No to the US!".

A smaller rally in Tokyo also protested against tough sanctions on North Korea for fear they may lead to war.