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At U.N., a Grim Viewing of Alleged Syrian Torture At U.N., a Grim Viewing of Alleged Syrian Torture
(5 months later)
UNITED NATIONS — Members of a deeply divided United Nations Security Council spent two hours on Tuesday morning looking at pictures of mutilated, skeletal corpses that were said to have been taken by a former Syrian Army photographer. UNITED NATIONS — Members of a deeply divided United Nations Security Council spent two hours on Tuesday morning looking at pictures of mutilated, skeletal corpses that were said to have been taken by a former Syrian Army photographer.
Some victims, who were allegedly detained by the Syrian government, had been starved for weeks, which explained why ribs poked out and abdomens looked like sunken valleys, a forensic pathologist told the Council. One person appeared to have been strangled by a metal belt from an automobile engine. The ankles of several were scarred; the pathologist said they had probably been shackled and starved, so that the skin had lost all strength.Some victims, who were allegedly detained by the Syrian government, had been starved for weeks, which explained why ribs poked out and abdomens looked like sunken valleys, a forensic pathologist told the Council. One person appeared to have been strangled by a metal belt from an automobile engine. The ankles of several were scarred; the pathologist said they had probably been shackled and starved, so that the skin had lost all strength.
These and more photographs were shown to the Council in an effort by France to refer Syria to the International Criminal Court. They were part of a collection smuggled out of Syria by a defector known by the code name Caesar. An international panel of experts hired by Qatar, one of the Syrian government’s staunchest critics, found the photographs to be authentic and Caesar to be credible. Aside from the pathologist, Dr. Stuart J. Hamilton, the panel included a forensic imaging expert and three war crimes prosecutors.These and more photographs were shown to the Council in an effort by France to refer Syria to the International Criminal Court. They were part of a collection smuggled out of Syria by a defector known by the code name Caesar. An international panel of experts hired by Qatar, one of the Syrian government’s staunchest critics, found the photographs to be authentic and Caesar to be credible. Aside from the pathologist, Dr. Stuart J. Hamilton, the panel included a forensic imaging expert and three war crimes prosecutors.
New details on Tuesday emerged about Caesar and his photographs. His job was to chronicle the deaths of detainees during the Syrian conflict. For two years, he took pictures of the dead as his job demanded. He also made copies of each photograph, smuggling them to a member of the opposition. His own death was faked so that he could escape the country.New details on Tuesday emerged about Caesar and his photographs. His job was to chronicle the deaths of detainees during the Syrian conflict. For two years, he took pictures of the dead as his job demanded. He also made copies of each photograph, smuggling them to a member of the opposition. His own death was faked so that he could escape the country.
Dr. Hamilton, a career forensic pathologist with the British Home Office, said that out of 55,000 pictures, he had vetted only 5,500 representing roughly 1,300 victims, mostly men of fighting age.Dr. Hamilton, a career forensic pathologist with the British Home Office, said that out of 55,000 pictures, he had vetted only 5,500 representing roughly 1,300 victims, mostly men of fighting age.
David Crane, one of three prosecutors on the panel, said he had been skeptical when first informed of the archive. “This all seemed too good to be true,” Mr. Crane, who prosecuted the former Liberian president Charles Taylor, told reporters after briefing the Council.David Crane, one of three prosecutors on the panel, said he had been skeptical when first informed of the archive. “This all seemed too good to be true,” Mr. Crane, who prosecuted the former Liberian president Charles Taylor, told reporters after briefing the Council.
“Most of these thugs don’t write this stuff down,” he added.“Most of these thugs don’t write this stuff down,” he added.
The photographs, he said, provided direct evidence of “widespread industrial killings.”The photographs, he said, provided direct evidence of “widespread industrial killings.”
The photographs are something of a mixed blessing for the Council. If authentic, they are gripping evidence of torture by the government of President Bashar al-Assad. Even so, the prospects of prosecution in the short term seem slim. Syria’s principal ally on the Council, Russia, wields veto power.The photographs are something of a mixed blessing for the Council. If authentic, they are gripping evidence of torture by the government of President Bashar al-Assad. Even so, the prospects of prosecution in the short term seem slim. Syria’s principal ally on the Council, Russia, wields veto power.
Russia chose to send a midlevel diplomat from its mission, Igor Panin, to Tuesday’s briefing, which was closed to reporters. Mr. Crane said later that Mr. Panin had questioned him as if they had been in a court of law, asking pointedly about the veracity of the evidence and how it was obtained and stored. The Russian Mission declined to comment.Russia chose to send a midlevel diplomat from its mission, Igor Panin, to Tuesday’s briefing, which was closed to reporters. Mr. Crane said later that Mr. Panin had questioned him as if they had been in a court of law, asking pointedly about the veracity of the evidence and how it was obtained and stored. The Russian Mission declined to comment.
The French ambassador, Gérard Araud, said it would be weeks before a resolution would be drafted.The French ambassador, Gérard Araud, said it would be weeks before a resolution would be drafted.
“We know the Security Council is divided. We know it’s practically impossible to get a decision from the Security Council,” he said, adding that he hoped all 15 members would be moved by the horrors captured in the pictures.“We know the Security Council is divided. We know it’s practically impossible to get a decision from the Security Council,” he said, adding that he hoped all 15 members would be moved by the horrors captured in the pictures.
“There are times when we must speak out,” he said. “We must appeal to human conscience.”“There are times when we must speak out,” he said. “We must appeal to human conscience.”
The United Nations has not independently verified the authenticity of the images. But its own human rights investigations have reported evidence of torture inside government detention centers along with executions by Islamist groups fighting to topple the Assad government.The United Nations has not independently verified the authenticity of the images. But its own human rights investigations have reported evidence of torture inside government detention centers along with executions by Islamist groups fighting to topple the Assad government.
Diplomats who attended the session said that what was most unusual about it was the total silence that followed the experts’ briefing. No one rushed to speak.Diplomats who attended the session said that what was most unusual about it was the total silence that followed the experts’ briefing. No one rushed to speak.
The American ambassador to the United Nations, Samantha Power, said later in a statement: “Nobody who sees these images will ever be the same. The perpetrators of these monstrous crimes must be held accountable, and the international community must unite in the face of such horrors.”The American ambassador to the United Nations, Samantha Power, said later in a statement: “Nobody who sees these images will ever be the same. The perpetrators of these monstrous crimes must be held accountable, and the international community must unite in the face of such horrors.”
Whoever took the pictures was vigilant about record-keeping. Some corpses were photographed along with what Dr. Hamilton said appeared to be their identity cards. Those cards and faces were blurred. Dr. Hamilton said he had seen nothing like the archive in his career.Whoever took the pictures was vigilant about record-keeping. Some corpses were photographed along with what Dr. Hamilton said appeared to be their identity cards. Those cards and faces were blurred. Dr. Hamilton said he had seen nothing like the archive in his career.
But Mr. Crane said no investigation into war crimes in Syria could focus on one side, no matter how solid the evidence. “A credible justice mechanism has to take into account all sides,” he said. “This is not about Assad. This is not about the other side.”But Mr. Crane said no investigation into war crimes in Syria could focus on one side, no matter how solid the evidence. “A credible justice mechanism has to take into account all sides,” he said. “This is not about Assad. This is not about the other side.”
He added, “There’s nobody not culpable anymore.”He added, “There’s nobody not culpable anymore.”