New plea over OAP Elsie's murder

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Police and family have appealed for fresh information on the first anniversary of the unsolved murder of a 90-year-old widow.

Elsie Hughes was attacked in her own home in Abermorddu, near Wrexham, on the night of 8 September 2005.

Detectives admitted frustration during the investigation and criticised some "selfish people" who had lied.

They are still looking at more than 4,000 pieces of evidence and a £30,000 reward is still on offer.

Mrs Hughes was found dead on the floor of her home, and around £200 was later discovered missing.

Her granddaughter, Claire Hughes, who lives in Manchester, said the family were "unable to complete the grieving process".

"We do remember the good things but there's always in the back of our minds how she died. That's the bit that we all find difficult to cope with."

Ms Hughes said her grandmother's death was made harder as her killer had not been caught

She said the grief was made harder because the killer had not been caught.

"A year on, there's somebody out there who committed this crime. That's really difficult for us to understand."

She added: "I could come home to visit. I could be walking down the street and I could pass the person."

Police said they were still pursuing many lines of inquiry.

But they are particularly keen to establish whether the attack was linked to a distraction burglary at Mrs Hughes' home on 15 August 2005, and tree loppers who called at her home in July.

Det Insp John Rowlands, who is leading the inquiry, said: "Elsie lived at her home in Hawarden Road for 50 years without having any troubles, and yet within two months of these incidents occurring, she was dead.

He said: "We still need people with information to come forward. It is vital that they do so.

He added that he believed the attacker may have been local to the area.

We've got a clearer picture of Elsie's attacker, a callous and selfish individual who left Elsie on the floor Det Insp John Rowlands

And he also said police had been lied to by some members of the community during a "frustrating" 12 months.

He added: "There are some selfish individuals who have lied to us during our inquiries and we would urge those people to examine their consciences, think about Elsie's family and get back in touch with us.

"We know obviously who these individuals are and we are actively looking at the information they have supplied to us."

Ch Supt Phil Thompson, eastern divisional commander, said extra police patrols would be in Abermorddu on Friday, as well as a police caravan for people to come forward with information.

He added: "This investigation is 12 months old but our resolve and our efforts to detect it will not cease.

"John's (Det Insp Rowlands) dedicated team will continue, will leave no stone unturned until these wicked people are brought to book."

He said two men, aged 37 and 32, remained on bail after being arrested in March in connection with the murder, but would not comment on whether they were still suspects.

Anyone with information is asked to contact 0845 6071001 (English), 0845 6071002 (Welsh), or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555111.