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Judge blackmail cleaner is jailed Judge blackmail cleaner is jailed
(30 minutes later)
A cleaner who blackmailed a female judge and stole sex videos from a male judge has been jailed for 33 months.A cleaner who blackmailed a female judge and stole sex videos from a male judge has been jailed for 33 months.
Brazilian Roselane Driza, 37, had blackmailed Judge J, who cannot be named for legal reasons, over the fact the judge was employing her illegally.Brazilian Roselane Driza, 37, had blackmailed Judge J, who cannot be named for legal reasons, over the fact the judge was employing her illegally.
The Old Bailey heard Driza had begun an affair with Judge Mohammed Ilyas Khan after being sacked by Miss J.The Old Bailey heard Driza had begun an affair with Judge Mohammed Ilyas Khan after being sacked by Miss J.
Sentencing Driza, the Recorder of London, Judge Beaumont, told her she was a "greedy and determined woman".Sentencing Driza, the Recorder of London, Judge Beaumont, told her she was a "greedy and determined woman".
The court heard Mr Khan had embarked on an affair with Driza after ending a relationship with Miss J. The court heard Mr Khan had embarked on an affair with Driza, of South Norwood in south London, after he ended a relationship with Miss J.
Blew kissBlew kiss
Driza stole two sex videos from Mr Khan's north London home which showed the two judges together and, Driza claimed, Miss J snorting cocaine.Driza stole two sex videos from Mr Khan's north London home which showed the two judges together and, Driza claimed, Miss J snorting cocaine.
Judge Beaumont said: "Having listened to the evidence in the trial, the judgment I formed about you was that you are a greedy and determined woman.Judge Beaumont said: "Having listened to the evidence in the trial, the judgment I formed about you was that you are a greedy and determined woman.
Driza stole sex videos from Judge Khan
"Whatever the merits of your complaint about your treatment by Miss J, you saw an opportunity to make a lot of money and took it.""Whatever the merits of your complaint about your treatment by Miss J, you saw an opportunity to make a lot of money and took it."
Driza stole sex videos from Judge Khan
The judge also said Driza stole the sex tapes to "have a hold over" Mr Khan, although she was cleared of blackmailing him.The judge also said Driza stole the sex tapes to "have a hold over" Mr Khan, although she was cleared of blackmailing him.
He said he would recommend Driza be deported once her sentence has been served.He said he would recommend Driza be deported once her sentence has been served.
During the trial, the court heard that she had threatened to expose Miss J to her "boss", the Lord Chancellor, for employing her without a work permit, unless she was paid £20,000.
Driza admitted asking the female judge for the money, but said it was compensation for being sacked without reason after five years of employment in 2004.
Driza, who plans to appeal, blew a kiss to journalists and smiled as she was led away to start her prison term.Driza, who plans to appeal, blew a kiss to journalists and smiled as she was led away to start her prison term.
Judges investigatedJudges investigated
The court heard the two judges, who are both employed by the Asylum and Immigration Tribunal, were said to be unaware Driza was working illegally in the UK. Neither judge will sit while the Department for Constitutional Affairs investigates their conduct. The court heard the two judges, who are both employed by the Asylum and Immigration Tribunal, were unaware Driza was working illegally in the UK.
Neither judge will sit while the Department for Constitutional Affairs investigates their conduct.
Both Miss J, who has been on sick leave with stress for 18 months, and Mr Khan, who sits as a Recorder, will remain on full pay. Neither has been suspended.Both Miss J, who has been on sick leave with stress for 18 months, and Mr Khan, who sits as a Recorder, will remain on full pay. Neither has been suspended.
Sanctions available following the investigation range from warnings and reprimands to removal from office in extreme circumstances.Sanctions available following the investigation range from warnings and reprimands to removal from office in extreme circumstances.
Driza was given a 30-month jail term for blackmailing Judge J and another 3 months for stealing intimate videos from judge Khan.Driza was given a 30-month jail term for blackmailing Judge J and another 3 months for stealing intimate videos from judge Khan.