Madeleine's father speaks of hope

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Madeleine McCann's father has spoken of his "ongoing hope" that his missing daughter will be found alive.

Gerry McCann played down comments by his spokesman suggesting the family now believed there was a "probability" the four-year-old was dead.

In his internet diary he wrote: "Contrary to some other reports, Kate and I do not accept that Madeleine is 'probably' dead."

He also welcomed a review of the case by Portuguese police.

Mr McCann said he and his wife accepted there was a "possibility" Madeleine may be dead but said there was no evidence she had been seriously harmed, which gave them hope.

'Very encouraging'

He welcomed the actions of Paulo Rebelo, the new head of the Portuguese police investigation.

In his latest entry on the official Find Madeleine website, he said: "The media frenzy is gradually subsiding, with just occasional unsubstantiated reports of 'evidence' appearing.

"It is very encouraging that Mr Rebelo's officers will be seemingly reviewing all the material in the inquiry, which will hopefully identify areas for further investigation."

Clarence Mitchell, the McCann family spokesman, told reporters yesterday: "Kate and Gerry are realistic enough to know that there is a probability she is dead.

"They have not given up hope that she is still alive and is being looked after somewhere. But human nature is that you always fear the worst and they need to know what has happened."

Poster campaign

The Find Madeleine campaign has released new appeal posters, which will be published in local newspapers in Spain and Portugal in the coming weeks.

The Portuguese poster, which can be downloaded from the official Find Madeleine website, has a picture of Madeleine and the caption: "Don't forget me - help us to find Madeleine!

"Please be alert. If you see me contact the local police now."

The youngster, from Leicester, vanished from an apartment in Praia da Luz, Portugal, on 3 May, just days before her fourth birthday.