Jailed fan could return to the UK


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A football fan jailed in Bulgaria for a crime he claims he did not commit could be returning to the UK.

Michael Shields, 19, of Edge Hill, Liverpool, is serving 10 years for the attempted murder of a barman during a brawl in Varna in May 2005.

His family have campaigned to prove his innocence and, in the meantime, have him moved to a British prison.

However, £90,000 - which has now been raised - must be paid to the Bulgarian court before Michael is transferred.

His father, also called Michael, says that high profile campaigning has led to a series of benefit-fundraisers and donations pouring in and now the wheels are in motion to get Michael to Britain.

Process under way

Mr Shields said: "The court imposed a fine of around £71,000 but with interest that has now gone up to around £90,000.

"I am touched by the kindness and generosity of people who have got behind our campaign to see justice done for Michael. It's been overwhelming.

"The first stages of a process are under way to see Michael serve out the rest of his sentence in a UK jail so we are now sitting tight.

"We are not sure how long it will take but we hope to have him back in the country by Christmas."

Michael has always insisted he played no part in the attack, and was asleep in his hotel when it took place.

Another Liverpool man, 20-year-old Graham Sankey, made a written confession to the attack after returning to the UK, although his solicitor now claims he was referring to a different brawl.