Madonna adoption debate continues

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The photograph of 13-month-old David Banda, peeking out from under a coat at Heathrow, features on many front pages.

"Singer hits back at her critics", says the Daily Mail of Madonna's statement defending her decision to adopt the baby from Malawi.  

As debate rages, Sun agony aunt Deirdre Sanders says he should have stayed with his father while features editor Sharon Hendry praises Madonna for making a difference. 

The Daily Mirror claims Madonna wants to adopt a girl from the same village.

Iraq 'disaster'

"Are these the only two people in the world who don't think the war in Iraq is a disaster?" asks the Independent, picturing Tony Blair and George Bush.  

Its headline follows a leaked report by the Iraq Study Group which the newspaper says paves the way for a "dramatic shift in US policy" in Iraq. 

"Astute" says the Times of former US secretary of state James Baker who chaired the group.  

It adds the advice will be studied very closely by the White House.

Conservation defeat

There is widespread dismay, reports the Daily Mirror, after Iceland announced it will resume whale hunting.  

The tabloid says the 20-year killing ban is crumbling with alarming speed in what it calls one of the biggest defeats for conservation in years. 

And as a London rally is held, the Daily Telegraph launches a campaign to save post offices from closure.

The "Stop Jim" campaign urges readers to write to Post office Minister Jim Fitzpatrick on the issue.

Naming question

"So why can't he be named?" demands theDaily Mail about a terror suspect who breached his control order.  

The paper says it knows his identity and has a photograph of him, but is unable to publish them.  

"Prisoners paid to play scrabble," claims the Daily Express saying violent and dangerous inmates are given spending credits for playing the game. 

It says at least 30 minute of learning the guitar or looking after fish tanks "are also nice little earners".