Papers debate election prospects

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The question of whether there will be an autumn election continues to exercise the Sunday newspapers.

The Observer urges Mr Brown not to go to the country, but to instead get on with the business of government.

However, the Sunday Times believes that not going now will condemn the country to years of electioneering.

Not since the 1980s has there been such a clear divide between Tory and Labour, says the People, which says Mr Brown should call an election without delay.

Burmese revolt

There is widespread dismay at the crackdown of the pro-democracy uprising in Burma.

Writing in the Mail on Sunday, Justin Wintle highlights Britain's role in bringing the military regime to power.

But the Independent on Sunday says that we should focus on the role played by China in the current crisis. 

The paper asks whether we should take part in the Beijing Olympics when the Chinese leadership shows such disrespect for universal human rights.

Madeleine hunt

The search for missing Madeleine McCann leads the news for the tabloids.

Police are probing claims that Madeleine was kidnapped by a maid sacked from the resort where the McCanns were staying, says the News of the World.

The Sunday Mirror brands the police investigation a disgrace, claiming the most senior officer takes boozy lunches and works only four hours a day.

Meanwhile, the People says Madeleine's parents are calling in a psychic in a new bid to trace the little girl.

Kyle high club

Several papers focus on ITV1's Jeremy Kyle Show, described by a judge last week as "human bear-baiting."

The Observer says Europe's biggest psychotherapy organisation has called for a review of the way it treats vulnerable members of the public.

A man fined for head-butting his wife's lover on the talk show tells the Daily Star Sunday he was provoked and set up.

In the Sunday Mirror, Carole Malone says there is only one person who the host wants to help - Mr Kyle himself.