Child abuse video teacher jailed

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A music teacher who downloaded 150 videos of children being abused has been jailed for a year.

Gerard Majella McAuley, 65, was also ordered to sign the sex offenders' register for five years.

Belfast Crown Court heard McAuley, who worked at the School of Music and Cabin Hill Prep School, was caught after Swedish police tipped off the PSNI.

His Collinbridge Gardens home in Newtownabbey was searched on 5 May 2005.

Officers found 146 videos and two photographs of children being abused which had been downloaded onto CDs and DVDs.

Guilty plea

During interviews, McAuley admitted downloading the material and pleaded guilty to 16 specimen charges.

Jailing the pensioner, the judge told him that he had encouraged child abuse by paying for the images.

He ordered McAuley not to go within 800 yards of education department buildings, disqualified him from ever working with children again and banned him from accessing the internet from his home.