Mixed reaction to Brown speech


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The Times and the Daily Telegraph both have the same theme following Gordon Brown's speech at Labour's conference.

"Brown sets out stall for middle Britain" is the headline in the Times. The paper says Mr Brown made a blatant attempt to steal some Tory clothes.

Mr Brown styled himself as the true champion of Conservative values, is the conclusion of the Telegraph.

The paper notes that the PM mentioned Britishness 71 times and that he used a Tory-blue backdrop for his speech.

'Powerful pact'

The Daily Mirror is impressed with Gordon Brown's conference speech, using the headline "Seriously good Gord".

The paper says he forged a powerful pact with the people in a passionate and fiercely patriotic speech.

In contrast, the Sun compares him to Churchill and says it was not his finest hour.

The paper criticises Mr Brown for devoting just 12 seconds of his speech to the EU treaty which the Sun is campaigning for a referendum on.

Burma stand-off

Vivid pictures of crowds of saffron-robed monks protesting in Burma once again appear on the front page of the Independent.

It thinks the threat of unspecified "action" by the military government is "ominous" for the demonstrators.

An editorial in the Times says the junta in Rangoon faces a dilemma as it will be tempted to crack down hard.

But doing so could lose the support of the army and of regional powerhouse China, it adds.

Healthy sleep

If you did not get seven hours sleep last night you could be saving up trouble for later in life.

The Daily Mail details a University of Warwick study which suggests that people who get less than seven hours double their risk of heart disease.

The Daily Express adds another warning - the same study found that too much sleep was also bad for your health.

If you get more than seven hours sleep that also doubles your chances of dying early.