£1.5bn sale of government offices


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Seventy-seven Civil Service buildings may be sold to the private sector in a contract worth £1.5bn.

Finance Minister Peter Robinson told the assembly that government plans were at an advanced stage.

He said they would expect the plan to free up about £200m which would fund other projects such as roads, hospitals and schools.

Mr Robinson rejected criticism that the government was selling off the family silver.

"We are not talking here about buildings of great historical or cultural interest," he said.

"We are talking about office blocks and Portakabins, some of which are well past their sell-by date and in urgent need of attention."

Mr Robinson said the PFI contract for the Workplace 2010 scheme, which is part of the Northern Ireland Civil Service Reform programme, was at the Best and Final Offer stage.

"To put it simply, the 77 buildings involved cost us about £70m every year and that is only allowing us to tread water," he said.

By selling the tarnished silver we are provided with polished silver to use, and the money to buy new, valuable and urgently needed assets Peter RobinsonFinance Minister

"The Workplace 2010 contract will see the successful private sector partner investing about £100m on improving the accommodation.

"We will have a contractual guarantee that the estate will be maintained and serviced to a good standard for the next 20 years or so."

He said by selling "the tarnished silver we are provided with polished silver to use, and the money to buy new, valuable and urgently needed assets as well".

The minister said staff had nothing to fear from the transfer of the Civil Service estate as any staff who wanted to remain in the Civil Service could do so.

Mr Robinson said that the procurement of a private sector partner for the Civil Service office estate will, however, be dependent on whether or not a court injunction can be lifted.

He also announced an independent review of policy on the location of public sector jobs.