Many baby deaths 'can be stopped'

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As many as 1,000 stillbirths each year could be prevented if clinicians were able to spot when foetuses were not developing properly, a study suggests.

The NHS's Perinatal Institute will unveil research this week which points to "restricted foetal growth" as the key factor in many stillbirths.

If this was picked up in pregnancy, these babies could be delivered earlier and have a greater chance of survival.

Britain has one of the highest stillbirth rates in Western Europe.

The 10-year-study by the Perinatal Institute found that some 40% of the 4,000 babies stillborn each year have growth problems.

Of these, around two thirds may have survived if action had been taken.

"We are excited about these findings," said the institute's director, Professor Jason Gardosi.

"If we can recognise that babies are not growing as they should then they can be further investigated and, if necessary, delivered at the right time, and in a good condition, rather than being left in the womb and at continued risk of dying."


Professor Gardosi said in addition to the findings on foetal growth in relation to stillbirth, researchers were also starting to identify "an issue about resources", particularly when it came to the number of cases midwives must deal with.

There's a direct connection between staffing levels and the risk for patients Professor Sabaratnam Arulkumaran RCOG

These remarks chime with statements made by the new president of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, Professor Sabaratnam Arulkumaran, who believes there are too few consultants and midwives to guarantee the safety of mothers and babies.

In a speech next month, he will cite data showing that most babies die during the night when hospitals have fewer consultants on duty.

In an interview with the BBC last month, he said he believed there was too much focus currently on allowing women to give birth at home, and not enough attention on improving conditions in hospital where the majority ultimately give birth.