Nude Old Firm fans tackle bigotry

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About 100 naked Old Firm fans have joined together to pose for a photograph at Hampden Park.

Alistair Devine said the image would show how far Scottish football has come in tackling sectarian violence.

In 1980, the photographer captured a famous scene of riots at an Old Firm Game at Hampden, with police on horses trying to halt fighting on the pitch.

The Rangers and Celtic supporters, both male and female, posed with just their scarves to cover their modesty.

Mr Devine, who a year ago organised a similar project where he photographed 30 nude volunteers in a Glasgow bar, said he hoped the image would show the unity between the fans.

"The point of the picture is quite simple," he said. "It is to let bigots be bygones and to move forward as a nation in our view towards bigotry.

"Back in the 1980s our game here was absolutely rife with bigotry and dreadful violence.

"We have moved on a long way. If we had tried this 25 years ago we would never had got it."

Mr Devine said the fans who had turned up for the photo were very brave.

He added that efforts by Scotland's churches, government, football clubs and the campaign group Nil by Mouth had helped to tackle sectarian violence in football.