Hospital drunk gets ambulance ban

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A woman who drunkenly abused doctors, nurses and ambulance staff in Leeds has been banned from calling the ambulance service in England and Wales.

Kathryn Gummery, 28, received the Asbo, which also bans her from the two main hospitals in Leeds, at the city's magistrates' court on Thursday.

An exception to the terms would be made if she had a genuine medical emergency.

Police, hospital chiefs and the council applied for the Asbo due to Gummery's catalogue of aggressive behaviour.

The two-year Asbo also bans Gummery, of no fixed address, from consuming alcohol or any intoxicating substance in any public place in the country except for recognised pubs.

She has caused a great deal of distress to both hospital and ambulance staff and patients Peter Foy, Leeds Teaching Hospitals head of security

Magistrates were told that her abusive behaviour was focused on the accident and emergency unit at Leeds General Infirmary.

She had thrown beer cans at hospital security staff, was found drinking in the entrance to A&E and shouted obscenities at staff and patients on many occasions.

Peter Foy, head of security for Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, said: "We tried for a long time to be sympathetic, but Gummery's behaviour continued to the point where we had no option but to apply for an Asbo.

"She has caused a great deal of distress to both hospital and ambulance staff and patients.

"However, we would never refuse her treatment in genuine emergencies.

"We're absolutely committed to working towards the policy of zero tolerance when it comes to violence and aggression towards our staff."

A West Yorkshire Police spokesman said: "Staff at hospitals have a very important job to do and West Yorkshire Police continue to work with local health authorities to ensure staff are safe and able to do their job.

"We will bring to justice anyone who tries to impede the work hospital staff and other emergency workers do."