Karzai 'urges Canadians to stay'


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Afghan President Hamid Karzai has reportedly warned Canada that his country risks sliding into anarchy if Canadian troops withdraw in 2009.

Mr Karzai spoke at a meeting of Canadian reporters in Kabul.

"The presence of Canada is needed until Afghanistan is able to defend itself, and that day is not going to be in 2009," he was quoted as saying.

Seventy Canadian troops have died in Afghanistan, and there has been growing unease in Canada about the mission.

'Terrorist havens'

Referring to the civil conflicts of the 1990s, and the rise of the Taleban, Mr Karzai told reporters that "leaving Afghanistan alone now will bring back all the evils that were here".

Afghanistan will fall back into anarchy Hamid KarzaiAfghan President

"If you leave prematurely, before we can defend ourselves in terms of our own abilities, government, institutions, and all associated factors, Afghanistan will fall back," the Canadian daily Globe and Mail newspaper quoted him as saying.

"Afghanistan will fall back into anarchy. Anarchy will bring back safe havens to terrorists among other things, and terrorists will then hurt you back there in Canada and the United States," he warned.

So far this year, 26 Canadian troops have died in Afghanistan - the highest number since the mission began in 2002.

Canada has 2,500 troops deployed in southern Afghanistan, as part of a 40,000-strong international mission.

Canada's mandate is due to end in February 2009, unless it is renewed by parliament.

However, only the minority Conservative government backs an extension, with all opposition parties calling for the troops to come home.