Teacher 'sent girl explicit film'


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A teenager has told a court how her former teacher sent her a video of himself undressing before they had sex.

Andrew Riley, 36, of Wentworth Drive, Lancaster, is former head of sixth form at Baines High School in Poulton.

Preston Crown Court also heard how the girl performed a sex act on Mr Riley as he drove the school minibus.

The married father-of-two denies two counts of an abuse of trust and sexual activity with a child and a single count of offering to supply cocaine.

The court heard how Mr Riley twice took the girl to hotels in Manchester and, after drinking champagne, offered her cocaine before they had sex.

'Topless photograph'

Mr Riley denies having any sexual activity with the girl but admits spending nights in a hotel with her.

The girl told the jury they took drugs on both nights at the hotel.

She said: "I'd gone to the toilet and he'd put the cocaine out in lines on the desk that was in the hotel room. Then Andrew did a line or two."

When asked if she had taken any, she replied: "Yes."

Speaking of the video he allegedly sent her, she said: "It was a video of him removing his boxers, from the front."

He had sent her the video after she sent him a photograph of herself topless.

Mr Watson, prosecuting, said Mr Riley sent her a message saying: "Can you believe you have got a video of the head of your year getting his shorts off?"

The girl allegedly wrote back saying "Trust me", to which he replied: "I have to because you could get me locked up."

The relationship cooled after the girl went away to study, and she eventually showed her old school the email messages.

The police were then called in.

The trial continues.