Ex-ministers out of Labour team


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Two former ministers have not been included in Labour's new frontbench team at the Scottish Parliament.

Former education minister Hugh Henry and former culture minister Patricia Ferguson have not been given jobs under party leader Wendy Alexander.

Former justice minister Cathy Jamieson remains deputy leader but without a portfolio spokesperson's role.

Ms Alexander said the team reflected the "breadth of talent" in Labour's group at Holyrood.

Pauline McNeill will speak on justice issues and former minister Jackie Baillie has made a return to the front line as parliamentary business manager and spokeswoman on constitutional issues.

Ms Alexander promised to provide an effective and dedicated opposition, adding: "Make no mistake - this team will hold the SNP minority administration to account and simultaneously reflect the real priorities of the people of Scotland."

The new party leader said she was grateful to those who had served Labour in government but had moved on to new challenges, adding: "We will of course work with the new government and other parties where we believe they are working in the best interests of Scotland.

"But we will not let the SNP fail the Scottish people by ducking the real responsibilities of government."

<ul class="bulletList">

New Scottish Labour frontbench team

<li>Jackie Baillie - parliamentary business and constitutional issues</li>

<li>Michael McMahon - chief whip</li>

<li>Malcolm Chisholm - Europe, external affairs and culture</li>

<li>Iain Gray - finance</li>

<li>Elaine Murray - enterprise</li>

<li>Lewis Macdonald - energy and tourism</li>

<li>Andy Kerr - public services</li>

<li>Charlie Gordon - transport</li>

<li>Rhona Brankin - education</li>

<li>Ken Macintosh - schools</li>

<li>Mary Mulligan - children and early years</li>

<li>Richard Baker - higher education and student support</li>

<li>John Park - skills</li>

<li>Margaret Curran - health</li>

<li>Richard Simpson - public health</li>

<li>Johann Lamont - communities</li>

<li>Frank McAveety - sport</li>

<li>Pauline McNeill - justice</li>

<li>Paul Martin - community safety</li>

<li>Sarah Boyack - rural affairs</li>

<li>Des McNulty - environment</li>

<li>Karen Gillon - rural development</li></ul>