Teenager on grocer death charges


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A 17-year-old youth has appeared in court on charges related to the death of west Belfast man Harry Holland.

He was charged with affray, possession of a knife and the attempted wounding of one of Mr Holland's neighbours during the incident early on Tuesday.

He did not apply for bail and will appear in court again on 10 October.

A 15-year-old girl was remanded in custody on Friday on charges connected to the incident. Another 17-year-old youth remains in custody.

Another teenage girl arrested over the incident was later released.

Mr Holland was stabbed in the head with a screwdriver early on Tuesday. He died the following day.

The greengrocer was attacked in Norfolk Drive near his home, as he tried to stop his van being stolen.

Neighbours raised the alarm after finding him injured, and he was on a life-support machine until members of his family returned from abroad.

Hundreds of people attended a vigil in west Belfast for Mr Holland on Thursday night.