Porridge bowl sets world record


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The biggest bowl of porridge ever made has been created in Edinburgh, breaking the world record.

Weighing 81.2kg, the huge breakfast was expected to fill up to 2,000 bowls at the Edinburgh Farmers' Market.

The feat broke the existing world record, which was set at 66.26 kg at a farmers' market event in Warwickshire in January.

Tony Stone, whose firm provided the oats, said: "It's our national dish so it's nice to bring it to Scotland."

The porridge was stirred by a specially commissioned 1.5m spurtle and Stoats Porridge Bars provided 25kg of organic oats.

"We've had a brilliant turn out which is great as it has brought more people to the farmers' market," Mr Stone told the BBC Scotland news website.

"People have really been enjoying it."

Those trying the porridge made donations to the Anthony Nolan Trust.

Mr Stone added: "We have a stall at Edinburgh Farmers' Market every week so it's great to be able to mark our enthusiasm for the market in this way."

Team effort

Border Tablet provided pieces of tablet to be sprinkled on top of the world record-breaking porridge while Caurnie Soap produced a giant soap made with oats.

Ian Broadfoot, manager of Edinburgh City Centre Management, which is behind the farmers' market, said: "This new world record will be an additional accolade for our award-winning farmers' market and it truly has been a team effort with many of our regular stall holders, such as Caurnie Soap and Border Tablet, marking the occasion."

The Edinburgh Farmers' Market is held in the city's Castle Terrace

Councillor Paul Godzik of Edinburgh Council, who verified the record, said: "People living in Edinburgh benefit hugely from the farmers' market, with many people I know travelling from across the city to get a bite for breakfast or to stock up on quality food for the week.

"I am really pleased that the market continues to flourish and this new world record is adding to the buzz that the market creates for its customers and for the area."

Edinburgh Farmers' Market takes place in the Castle Terrace car park, off Lothian Road, every Saturday from 0900 BST until 1400 BST.

It is the largest in Scotland, with over 70 producers attending regularly.