Cameron meets German chancellor

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David Cameron and German Chancellor Angela Merkel have agreed their parties should work together on climate change, security and other key policy areas.

After a meeting in Berlin, Mr Cameron said the Tories and the centre-right CDU would set up joint working groups.

The two leaders remain at odds over the Tory leader's plan to withdraw his MEPs from the European Parliament federalist European People's Party (EPP) group.

But a spokeswoman for Mr Cameron said it was a "very positive" meeting.

Mr Cameron regards the EPP, which includes Germany's Christian Democrats, as too federalist.

But he is determined to forge closer links with other centre-right parties in Europe.

He is due to meet the German interior minister Wolfgang Schäuble in London in early October.

He has also accepted an invitation from the CDU/CSU Parliamentary Group in the Bundestag, the lower house of the German parliament, to deliver a speech on security issues at a conference to be opened by Chancellor Merkel in Berlin on 26 October.