Caborn to stand down as city MP

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Former sports minister Richard Caborn will step down as an MP at the next election, he has announced.

The Sheffield Central MP - England's World Cup bid ambassador - said the time had come to make way for a younger candidate.

Mr Caborn, 63, confirmed his intentions at a meeting of Labour activists in his constituency on Thursday night.

He said: "It has been a great privilege to serve the constituency where I was born, educated and worked all my life."

Longest-serving minister

But he said: "I need to make way for some younger blood.

"This will have no effect on my position as Gordon Brown's ambassador for the 2018 World Cup."

Mr Caborn was elected as an MEP in 1979, and then as an MP in 1983.

After Labour's 1997 election landslide, he was appointed environment minister, then moved to the Department of Trade and Industry before taking over as sports minister in 2001.

He stepped down in July this year, soon after becoming the longest-serving sports minister in a single stint.

Mr Caborn is likely to move to the Lords after leaving the Commons.