Fund to prevent mosque extremism Version 0 of 1. A campaign to prevent extremist beliefs taking hold in Birmingham's mosques and among the city's Muslim population is being launched. The £525,000 Reclaiming Islam scheme includes training schemes for imams and Muslim leaders. Mosque committees will be increased to reduce the risk of them being infiltrated by extremists. The government's national announcement of the fund coincided with anti terror raids in Birmingham in January 2007. 'Better understanding' A total of 11 projects will be funded by the money. Some will make sure women and young people take part in mosque development and also ensure mosques are aware of health and safety and child protection laws. Others will ensure Islamic and other faith-based schools develop a curriculum which promotes community cohesion while study circles will be set up to help young people develop a better understanding of Islam. Councillor Alan Rudge, cabinet member of equalities and human resources at Birmingham City Council, said: "As a city of many diverse cultures and faiths, it is important we make every effort to ensure all citizens within Birmingham feel they have a valuable role to play in society." |