Terror trial delayed by ill juror


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Closing speeches in the trial of a student accused of terror charges have been delayed after a juror became ill.

Prosecutor Brian McConnachie QC and defence QC Donald Findlay, who is representing Mohammed Atif Siddique, will now address the jury on Wednesday.

The jury is expected to retire to consider a verdict after judge, Lord Carloway, sums up the case on Thursday.

Mr Siddique, 21, from Alva in Clackmannanshire, denies four terror charges and a breach of the peace.

Evidence in the case at the High Court in Glasgow, was concluded on Monday, when the prosecution withdrew an allegation that Mr Siddique claimed to be part of the al-Qaeda terror network.

Mr Siddique has been accused of possessing suspicious terrorism-related items including CDs and videos of weapons use, guerrilla tactics and bomb-making.

He has also been accused of collecting terrorist-related information, setting up websites showing how to make and use weapons and explosives, and circulating inflammatory terrorist publications.

A further charge of breach of the peace relates to claims that he showed students at Glasgow Metropolitan College images of suicide bombers and terrorist beheadings.