House-buying system reform plea

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Scotland's house-buying system needs to be reformed to end the use of "secret bids", an MSP has urged.

Dr Bill Wilson has called for the Scottish Government to change the way people buy homes.

He wants houses to be sold for a fixed price or for buyers to be aware of the value of any rival bids for a property.

The SNP MSP has lodged a motion at Holyrood urging ministers to look into the implications of introducing an "open bids" or "fixed price system".

There is no other significant purchase the average person will make which involves secret bids Dr Bill WilsonSNP MSP

Dr Wilson, an MSP for the West of Scotland region, said he has taken action after been contacted by a couple, who were both university graduates with full-time jobs, but were still unable to buy their own home.

He said: "I am most conscious of the difficulties faced by those trying to buy their first homes, although everyone buying a house is affected.

"We should look at how other countries deal with this issue."

He said the system of secret bidding was extremely stressful, with successful bids possibly 20% to 40% over the asking price.

Dr Wilson added: "There is no other significant purchase the average person will make which involves secret bids.

"There is surely no reason why bids could not be open but anonymity retained."