Chief constable's briefcase taken

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A briefcase containing documents and personal items has been stolen from the boot of a chief constable's car.

Raiders also made off with a uniform and a side-handle baton belonging to the Chief Constable of Greater Manchester Police, Mike Todd.

The raid took place outside his flat in Manchester city centre on Monday. No items of a "sensitive nature" were taken, a police spokesman said.

In 2002, burglars stole electrical equipment from Mr Todd's flat.

'No laptop'

A Greater Manchester Police spokesman said: "At about 2315 BST on Monday, a car being used by the chief constable was broken into in a Manchester city centre car park.

"Stolen from the boot of the car were items of uniform and a briefcase.

"The briefcase contained papers and personal items. There were no items of a personal or a sensitive nature stolen and no laptop computer was stolen."

The spokesman said Mr Todd would not be commenting on the incident.

Not long after Mr Todd joined the force in 2002 he returned to his Manchester flat to find a window had been broken and a small amount of electrical equipment taken.

Some of Mr Todd's neighbours were also burgled recently but it was not thought his home was specifically targeted.

Mr Todd joined Greater Manchester Police in October 2002 from the Metropolitan Police.