Rights Group Says It Finds Proof of Torture in Syria


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CAIRO — An international human rights group said Friday that visits to two Syrian security centers recently captured by rebel fighters contained proof of widespread, arbitrary detentions and torture by the government of President Bashar al-Assad.

The group, Human Rights Watch, said the centers provided a rare glimpse into the extensive security and intelligence apparatus that the Assad government has mobilized to try to quash the uprising against his rule.

Among its findings were the use of solitary confinement cells and a cross-shaped device known as the “the flying carpet” to which detainees were tied so they could be beaten and bent into painful, sometimes harmful positions. The group also found lists of university graduates.

Rights groups have long accused the Syrian government’s many security and intelligence agencies of intimidating and silencing foes by detaining them without charge in centers where torture is routine. Many detainees disappear.

Those accusations have accelerated since the anti-Assad uprising began in March 2011 and later escalated into a civil war.

Rights groups now estimate that at least 25,000 Syrians are in detention, and some say the true number is likely much higher.

The Syrian government has denied using torture, and does not comment on the number of detainees it holds.

In late April, Human Rights Watch investigators visited the local branches of State Security and Military Intelligence in the northern city of Raqqa, which antigovernment forces seized in March and still control.

A researcher, Lama Fakih, who was on the trip, said that besides proof that detainees were ill treated, the team found large quantities of documents, including a list of security staff members and innumerable case files for local residents.

“You could see in each case file the picture of the person who was being investigated, how old he was, where he lived and other things like the types of activities he was engaged in,” she said.

The team also interviewed several men who had been held in the centers. Most said they had been detained for marching in antigovernment protests, and some said they had been beaten and electrocuted. One said he had confessed to demonstrating after his captors threatened to detain his mother.

The research team visited two of the five security agencies with centers in Raqqa, Ms. Fakih said, adding that there is a network of such centers throughout Syria.

“What we’ve seen in these branches pales in comparison to the types of torture we’ve heard about in other branches,” she said. “This is just the tip of the iceberg.”

Human Rights Watch considers the information in these centers essential to understanding how the Syrian government’s security groups function, as well as potentially valuable in future prosecutions against government officers who participated in abuse. It has called on rebel leaders to protect the sites until their contents can be studied.

Many local residents, however, seemed uninterested in preserving the centers, Ms. Fakih said.

“There is a real, palpable sense of fear and hatred for these facilities and what they stood for,” she said.