Mauritanians seize migrant boat

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The Mauritanian navy has for the first time seized a boatload of Africans trying to reach a new life in Europe.

Officials say the ship was carrying 88 people, and the interception operation was carried out with Spanish help.

Mauritania is a major transit point for Africans trying to reach Europe - often via Spain's Canary Islands.

Some 250 African migrants have arrived on the islands on three wooden boats over the past two days - all in good health, according to local officials.

The boat intercepted by the Muaritanian navy is said to have set off from the Sengalese port of St Louis and was escorted to the capital, Nouakchott.

Tens of thousands of Africans try to enter the European Union illegally on boats and hundreds are believed to die in the attempt each year.

About 30,000 Africans were caught trying to reach the Canary Islands last year.

The European Union has launched joint patrols with African and European nations to try to stem the flow of immigrants.

Much of Frontex's operation is aimed at Senegal's and Mauritania's coastline.