Jobs crisis at car parts factory

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The Nottingham North MP Graham Allen is to meet managers of a car seat factory after hundreds of redundancies were announced by bosses.

Employees at the American-owned Lear Corporation's plant at Bilborough were told on Friday that the site could shut before the end of next year.

Bosses said they had been left no choice but to close the factory because it was no longer financially viable.

Mr Allen said the 400-strong workforce needed more support.

Pressing deadline

He said: "We really want to try and save the core business and for those jobs that can't be saved we need a really intensive package of retraining and re-skilling.

"People here must be given the best chance to get jobs after the closure of the factory."

The company, which is a major supplier to Ford, runs two other plants in the UK, one in Coventry and one in Sunderland.

The Bilborough site has been open for 10 years.