Knife amnesty in Southampton yields hundreds of blades

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A month-long amnesty has resulted in more than 300 knives being handed in to police in Southampton.

People were able to dispose of knives, bladed items and illegal weapons in designated amnesty bins throughout March, without fear of prosecution.

Ch Insp Kelly Whiting said: "We're hoping people who have handed in knives no longer want to be involved in that level of violence."

The amnesty came after six stabbings in the city in the past two years.

The first such amnesty in the city for six years brought in blades including small kitchen knives, machetes and ornamental swords.

Jen Singleton, whose son Lewis was stabbed to death in Woolston in March 2007, called it "worthwhile".

"Even if it's only keeping one knife out of the wrong hands on the streets, it's successful," she said.

Ch Insp Whiting said: "If you know someone who habitually carries a knife, call us and we will ensure it is removed from the streets."