Birmingham Children's Hospital gown gives "privacy and dignity" Version 0 of 1. A gown designed to give young patients "privacy and dignity" has been introduced at Birmingham Children's Hospital. The two-piece outfit has fasteners at 28 points and can be adapted for use in different kinds of surgery. It has been designed using feedback from patients and their families. Ben MacSkimming, a patient at the hospital for five weeks, said the old style gown was "uncomfortable and draughty". "I wish I could have worn [the new outfit] when I was here," the 15-year-old added. The hospital said that having an operation can be "nerve-wracking for young patients" and wearing an ill-fitting, uncomfortable hospital gown "does little to ease their apprehension". 'Quite exposed' The new gown can be adapted for many forms of surgery and post-operative care needs, including heart surgery, the insertion of a neck line or hernia repair, or accessing a plaster cast on a broken arm, the hospital said. It comes in eight sizes to fit everyone from babies upwards. Chief nurse Michelle McLoughlin, said: "The privacy and dignity of our children and young people is so important to us and we want them to feel protected, safe and secure while they're with us." She said the new gown will also encourage patients to be more active after operations. Mr MacSkimming said: "I remember thinking how horrible the theatre gown I had to wear was. "It was tight and uncomfortable at the top but baggy and draughty at the bottom at the same time, leaving you quite exposed." The hospital's current stock of 2,000 gowns will be replaced from April. |