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Taiwan to vote on new recall bill Second recall bid fails in Taiwan
(about 1 hour later)
Taiwan's parliament is due to vote on a second recall motion aimed at ousting President Chen Shui-bian. A second attempt to pass a recall motion against Taiwanese President Chen Shui-bian has failed.
If it passes, a national referendum will be held to determine Mr Chen's political future. Taiwan's opposition was hoping to get enough votes to force a referendum on the future of the embattled leader.
A similar motion in June failed to get the two-thirds majority needed to pass, and analysts say Mr Chen will probably survive this second vote as well. But they failed to get the two-thirds majority they needed for the motion to pass. A similar bid earlier this year also failed.
The president has been under pressure because of a series of scandals involving his family and close aides. Mr Chen has been under pressure because of a series of scandals involving his family and close aides.
Tens of thousands of people - both supporters and opponents of the president - have taken to the streets in recent weeks to voice their views.Tens of thousands of people - both supporters and opponents of the president - have taken to the streets in recent weeks to voice their views.
Troubled leaderTroubled leader
The allegations against Mr Chen started in May when his son-in-law, Chao Chien-ming, was detained and later charged with insider trading.The allegations against Mr Chen started in May when his son-in-law, Chao Chien-ming, was detained and later charged with insider trading.
Other allegations followed, against the president, his family and close aides. Mr Chen himself was questioned in August over alleged misuse of funds, but prosecutors have yet to release the findings of their investigation.Other allegations followed, against the president, his family and close aides. Mr Chen himself was questioned in August over alleged misuse of funds, but prosecutors have yet to release the findings of their investigation.
The president has apologised for this son-in-law's actions, but denies any personal wrongdoing and has refused to resign. Mr Chen has faced regular protests calling for him to step downThe president has apologised for this son-in-law's actions, but denies any personal wrongdoing and has refused to resign.
Friday's bill, submitted to parliament by People First Party legislator Lu Hsue-chang, says Mr Chen lacks the ability to govern, and accuses him of corruption. Friday's bill, submitted to parliament by People First Party legislator Lu Hsue-chang, said Mr Chen lacked the ability to govern, and accused him of corruption.
The motion needs at least 148 votes to pass, but the number of opposition Kuomintang party members and their allies fall well short of that. The motion needed at least 147 votes to pass, but the opposition Kuomintang party and its allies only managed to get 116 votes.
The opposition admits the motion is unlikely to pass, but hopes some members of Mr Chen's ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) will back them. The opposition admitted beforehand that the motion was unlikely to pass, but said it hoped some members of Mr Chen's ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) would back the bill. In the event, DPP members boycotted the vote in protest.
They have also vowed to keep up the pressure on Mr Chen to resign. The opposition has vowed to keep up the pressure on Mr Chen, though.
Hundreds of thousands of anti-Chen protesters rallied in Taipei on Tuesday to mark Taiwan's national day - the largest protest in a month-long campaign.Hundreds of thousands of anti-Chen protesters rallied in Taipei on Tuesday to mark Taiwan's national day - the largest protest in a month-long campaign.