Probe into two hit-and-run cases Version 0 of 1. Three people were hurt in two separate hit-and-run incidents, Strathclyde Police have confirmed. In the first case, on Saturday at 0400 BST, two men in their 20s were hit by a light-coloured vehicle in Motherwell. Later, at about 2330 BST, an 18-year-old man suffered a head injury after a dark Peugeot car drove into him on Dalrymple Drive, Coatbridge. Police officers are treating the first incident as attempted murder. The two cases are not being linked. In the first case, the police said that a car was deliberately driven at two men, aged 20 and 24, as they were walking along Alexander Path near Muirhouse Road. A vehicle, described as light-coloured, mounted the pavement and hit both men. It then headed towards the Wishaw area. 'So quick' There is no description of the driver, and police are unsure whether there were any passengers in the car . Both men were taken to hospital where the 20-year-old is said to be in a comfortable condition. His 24-year-old companion was discharged after treatment. Appealing for witnesses to the incident in Motherwell, Det Const John Magilton said: "The incident happened so quickly that the victims were unable to get a look at the driver or a proper description of the car." In the second incident, the 18-year-old man was injured while walking in Coatbridge. He was taken to Monklands District General Hospital, Airdrie where he was treated for a head injury and later discharged. There was no description of the suspect, and police have appealed for witnesses to come forward. |