Leak in Fuel Line Was Cause of Stricken Cruise Ship’s Trouble


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A United States Coast Guard official said Monday that the fire that disabled the Carnival Triumph cruise ship began when a fuel line connected to one of the vessel’s engines sprang a leak.

“It sprayed oil onto a hot surface and caught on fire,” the official, Lt. Cmdr. Teresa Hatfield, said at a news conference. The leak occurred in a flexible part of a return line, she said, rather than a line that was feeding fuel to the engine.

Commander Hatfield, who is leading the Coast Guard’s investigation into the episode, said that interviews with members of the vessel’s crew indicated that they had responded appropriately to the fire. She also said the Triumph’s fire suppression system had worked properly.

However, the fire destroyed the vessel’s generators, apparently because intense heat forced the crew to abandon the engine room. As a result, the ship lost power and electricity, leaving it stranded in the Gulf of Mexico.

“Any time you have a fire, you are going to have damage because you have to close the room and leave the room closed for a period of time to allow the engine room to cool,” Commander Hatfield said.

The Triumph, which is operated by Carnival Cruises, left the port of Galveston, Tex., with more than 4,000 people aboard for what was supposed to be four-day cruise. On Thursday, it was towed into Mobile, Ala., after passengers had spent five days sleeping on sewage-soaked carpets and subsisting on cold food, candy and ketchup sandwiches.

The Bahamas Maritime Authority is leading the overall investigation into the episode because the vessel, while operating out of the United States, is legally registered in the Bahamas. The Coast Guard and the National Transportation Safety Board are providing assistance in the inquiry.

Commander Hatfield said she expected that it would take about six months for the American agencies to conduct their part of the inquiry. Among the issues they hope to resolve is why the vessel’s backup systems failed, she said.