Newspaper review: Pistorius still dominates papers

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Athlete Oscar Pistorius, who has been charged with murder over the death of his girlfriend, Reeva Steenkamp, dominates Saturday's newspapers following his appearance in court.

"The Anguish of Oscar" is the <a href="" >Times</a> front page headline, above a description of the courtroom drama.

<a href="" >The Daily Mirror says he cut a "lonely figure"</a> surrounded by a scrum of reporters and members of the public.

And <a href="" >the Sun reports that the athlete is on suicide watch.</a>

For its lead,<a href="" > the Daily Telegraph seizes on the discovery of horsemeat in school dinners.</a>

It says parents in Lancashire, where horse DNA was found in cottage pies sent to nearly 50 schools, were appalled and disgusted.

The Guardian believes <a href="" >the horsemeat scandal has led to more people buying meat from their local shops. </a>

Meanwhile, the <a href="" >Sun</a> launches an attack on the supermarkets which it accuses of continuing to duck key questions.

The prospect of <a href="" >stock in the Royal Bank of Scotland being given away by the Treasury is floated by the Independent. </a>

In its front page lead it says the government is working out what to do with its majority stake in the bank.

Under one plan, everyone would receive three to four hundred pounds worth of shares before the next election.

The <a href="" >Daily Mail</a> believes such a move would pump more than £30bn into the economy.

<a href="" >A new jab that can "halt and even prevent arthritis" is a step closer</a> the Daily Express reports.

It says scientists created an "infusion" using cells that regulate the body's immune system.

The <a href="" >Financial Times</a> believes the economic downturn is transforming the attitude of teenagers towards cars.

It reports that government figures show the number of 17 to 19-year-olds taking practical driving tests had dropped by nearly 20% during the past five years.