Cardiac arrest boy Quinton Barham recovering after surgery Version 0 of 1. A 13-year-old boy from Wiltshire <a href="" title="Qunton Barham suffers a cardiac arrest during football match" >who suffered a cardiac arrest during a football match</a> is recovering in hospital following bypass surgery. Quinton Barham, from Trowbridge, was playing for Bradford Town Youth FC when he collapsed. <a href="" title="Link to club website" >A message posted on the club's website</a> said: "Just heard from Paul (Quinn's father) - 'operation great success!' "They are going to keep Quinn under for a couple of day, then they will bring him around." He was taken to the Bristol Royal Infirmary (BRI) on 3 February where intensive care doctors found his pulmonary artery was in the wrong position. 'Feeling dizzy' An MRI scan showed no problem with his brain activity and Quinn, as he is known to his friends, was sent for bypass surgery on Friday. The club's manager Alex Pilkington described how concerns were first raised for the young footballer as he left the pitch during the match. He wrote: "Quinn came off the pitch shortly after the start of the second half complaining of feeling dizzy. Within a few minutes it became apparent that he was struggling. "After an extraordinary response from paramedics and air ambulance Quinn left for Bristol Hospital. "He had had a cardiac arrest and with assistance his heart was beating and he was breathing also with assistance." |