Cardiac arrest boy Quinton Barham has heart surgery Version 0 of 1. A 13-year-old boy from Wiltshire <a href="" title="Qunton Barham suffers a cardiac arrest during football match" >who suffered a cardiac arrest during a football match</a> on Sunday is due to undergo heart bypass surgery later. Quinton Barham, from Trowbridge, was playing for Bradford Town Youth Football Club when he collapsed. He is being treated in Bristol Royal Infirmary where doctors found his pulmonary artery was in the wrong position. A recent MRI scan showed no problems with his brain activity. Updates on Quinton's condition are being posted on the <a href="" >Bradford Town Youth Football Club</a> website. The club's chairman, Nick Maw, has been in close contact with Quinton's family. He said they are being "very positive" and are "overwhelmed with the work the hospital is doing". "To see what the hospital do for the kid is absolutely amazing," he said. "We're convinced that he is in the best place possible and we have every faith in the hospital to do whatever is necessary to get Quin back in boots." Fabrice Muamba, who suffered a cardiac arrest during an FA Cup match last year, has been in contact with Quinton's family via Twitter to wish them well. The 24-year-old former Bolton Wanderers player collapsed on the pitch at White Hart Lane during a game against Tottenham Hotspur. |