The secret housing officer: what future for Northern Ireland?

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Housing in Northern Ireland has certainly come a long way since 1971. Established by legislation, born out of civil unrest, the Northern Ireland Housing Executive (NIHE) has become the largest housing authority in Western Europe.

Many commentators would argue that the NIHE has a successful history of achievement and progress. It has been at the forefront of delivering decent homes, built many houses, carried out countless repairs and improvements to stock for its tenants. Provided improvement grants for private householders and demolished unfit dwellings.

It has been a vital contributor to creating a peaceful and fair society in Northern Ireland. A symbol of how to deal with a pitiful legacy of political housing now seems to be set to be dismantled in a major re-structuring move by the Department of Social Development.

Social development minister Nelson McCausland is proposing major reforms, including enhancing his own housing department responsible for housing strategy, policy, legislation and funding, and the creation of a new regional housing body to support the delivery of the strategy and policy – in effect, the non-landlord functions of NIHE.

He is proposing to separate the landlord function out with the public sector focusing on service to tenants and enabling access to private funding to allow for suitable investment. He said the current model was "no longer sustainable or made the best use of public money".

McCausland could not state what the new model will look like or cost, he cannot state who will have jobs or what type of service will survive. All he can say, is: "My proposals set out the strategic direction for the way social housing will be delivered which will be fit for the 21st century. These proposals not only build on the success of the past, but create structures that will ensure social housing delivery is on a sound basis to build for the future."

Never has a government announcement been seen so negatively received by tenants and the staff it affects. To be left in limbo for the next four years is unacceptable and self defeating; staff already doubt they can deliver a full service while morale is low and officers worry if they will be able to secure a future career in the housing sector.

John McPeake, chief executive of the NIHE said said he "will be arguing the case to ensure that whatever structures are in place, they are underpinned by our core values of fairness and equity... and all our staff will have a clear understanding of their future roles as soon possible".

Despite discussions with the minister no details are available, and they are not expected for some considerable time. For the past number of years there has been a steady erosion of the central role of the NIHE in the country and this announcement marks the final move to towards handing responsibility for housing provision to the private sector.

This wrong-headed decision will cost the public purse; profit and private greed, not genuine housing need, will be the hallmark of any new service. Thousands of people on the housing list in housing need will find little comfort in the future of NIHE and little evidence to suggest the delivery of social housing in Northern Ireland is protected for the future.

<em>This week's secret housing officer works for the Northern Ireland Housing Executive </em>

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