Diary: not Lincoln; just Mandy. Still, they like him in Hull


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• The critics are wowed by Daniel Day-Lewis's performance in Lincoln. Maybe he'll win the Oscar. But should that happiness come to pass, shouldn't there be a little something for Peter Mandelson? For no one seriously believes the blockbuster would have gained such traction without the accompanying promotional film which showed Mandy holding forth on leadership. Would that Lincoln were here to learn from it. And though he has been preoccupied, making a few fine shillings via his company Global Counsel, Mandy may once again be called upon to use his Lincoln-esque skills for the public good. Officials in Hull confirm that they want the New Labour legend to take on the ancient ceremonial title of High Steward. That's an honour. His grandfather, Herbert Morrison, was also High Steward. John Prescott was a steward, but that was on a cruise ship. When Mandy checks it out, he'll find the two roles are not the same.

• Mandy was hailed the king of spin. But spin isn't as popular as it was. Today, people prize plain speaking. Thus they might look kindly on Chris Davies, the Lib Dem MEP for North-West England, who is pursuing the auto giant Daimler over its refusal to use an air con refrigerant he considers the most eco friendly. Daimler says others are safer. "Daimler are evil bastards," Davies said in a motion, "and I think their CEO should be summoned to the European parliament and humiliated."

• Another day, another arrest by the Jimmy Savile police. And the subject continues to be a hot topic for the BBC and its various courtiers. Kevin Marsh, the former editor of Today and past editor of the Beeb's College of Journalism, is one of those still talking about it. Marsh acted as Newsnight editor Peter Rippon's friendly advocate last autumn as the scandal broke over the programme – touring the news studios, defending Rippon and his decisions to the hilt. Marsh was at it again last Friday, in the Oxford cloisters, where he insisted that Rippon – his former deputy in radio – was spot on not to commission the original Savile film. He counselled him at the time and would not now change the advice he gave to postpone the project. The one thing he might have done differently, were he editing Newsnight himself, would have been to let the research carry on for another couple of months to see where it led. Wise in hindsight. But hardly rocket science, was it?

• And as the world digests the enormity of the discovery of Richard III's bits in Leicester, worth remembering that a second king died in battle in England and lies buried under tarmac. Harald Hardrada's family – disdaining our King Harold's offer of six foot of English soil, or a bit more (Harald was very tall) – took the body of Norway's slain claimant to the English throne back home after the battle of Stamford Bridge in 1066 and buried him at St Mary's church in Nidaros, now Trondheim. A hundred years later, Harald's body was moved to Helgeseter Priory, which was subsequently demolished and a road laid over his grave. Poor Harald. Good King Dick is having the better time of it, even in death.

• It must be the most exciting archeological find of the new century. Certainly, subscribers to the Miners List, an online network in the north, are excited about the discovery of the bones of Richard III. One participant shares the latest development. "Atos has just declared him fit for work," he says.

• With the ascension of Justin Welby as archbishop of Canterbury, finally, many wonder if the church will take a steelier view on the issues of the day. This would not be entirely novel, as we learn from the archives of the Church Times, which this week celebrates 150 years of publication. There was a time when a much sterner church pronounced on smoking. "What is wanted is a simple enactment that youths of immature age caught smoking in public shall be birched," the Church Times said. "Of course, there would be an outcry in some quarters against this wholesome discipline, but the general feeling would be in its favour." The men of God and the Mail must have been best buddies back then.

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