Blog jam: The Metaphorical Boat

Version 0 of 1.

<strong>Who are you and what's your blog called?</strong>

I'm Christopher McBride, and I run the Metaphorical Boat.<br /> <br /><strong>Where are you based?</strong><br /> <br />I'm currently based in Belfast, Northern Ireland. A place with a depth of music talent, but a dearth of fellow music bloggers.

<strong>Describe your blog in a sentence.</strong>

Music for added buoyancy.

<strong>How long has your blog been going?</strong>

I started the blog back in July 2011.

<strong>What do you write about?</strong>

Much of what I write about is music from Northern Ireland. "Our wee province" is absolutely loaded with fantastic music talent. Yet very few music blogs exist that shine a light on our part of the world. I also tend to write about interesting new indie/alternative tunes from the rest of world. The one qualifier for inclusion is this: "Does it float my metaphorical boat?"

<strong>Why should people visit your blog?</strong>

If you're interested in discovering the best new music long before radio catches wind of it, both from Northern Ireland and further afield, then the Metaphorical Boat is the place for you.

<strong>What's your top song right now?</strong>

TV by Derry band Wonder Villains. It is impossible to listen to one of their tunes without a massive grin on your face, with their catchy tunes and pop-culture-influenced lyrics.

Reading on mobile? Watch on YouTube or listen on SoundCloud

<strong>What's your favourite music blog aside from your own?</strong>

Breaking More Waves. Their ability to pick up on the next big thing months before anybody else is uncanny, plus they've got a great sense of humour, which is mandatory to be a good music blogger.