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Egypt football: Death sentences over Port Said stadium violence Egypt football: Death sentences over Port Said stadium violence
(35 minutes later)
An Egyptian court has sentenced to death 21 defendants over clashes between rival football fans in which 74 people were killed in February 2012.An Egyptian court has sentenced to death 21 defendants over clashes between rival football fans in which 74 people were killed in February 2012.
The riots - Egypt's worst-ever football disaster - began after a top-league game at Port Said stadium.The riots - Egypt's worst-ever football disaster - began after a top-league game at Port Said stadium.
The ruling sparked a clash outside Port Said prison, where defendants are held, with two police officers shot dead. The ruling sparked a clash outside Port Said prison, where defendants are held, with at least eight people killed.
The sentences came after clashes erupted on the second anniversary of the uprising that ousted Hosni Mubarak.The sentences came after clashes erupted on the second anniversary of the uprising that ousted Hosni Mubarak.
Thousands of people took to the streets on Friday to voice their opposition to Islamist President Mohammed Morsi, accusing him of betraying the revolution.Thousands of people took to the streets on Friday to voice their opposition to Islamist President Mohammed Morsi, accusing him of betraying the revolution.
At least seven people were killed and more than 450 wounded in unrest across Egypt.At least seven people were killed and more than 450 wounded in unrest across Egypt.
Last year's football riots led to the suspension of the league.Last year's football riots led to the suspension of the league.
They began minutes after the game in Port Said. Fans of local side al-Masry fans invaded the pitch, hurling stones and fireworks at visiting supporters from Cairo club al-Ahly. They began minutes after the game in Port Said. Fans of local side al-Masry invaded the pitch, hurling stones and fireworks at visiting supporters from Cairo club al-Ahly.
The violence in Port Said sparked riots in Cairo during which a further 16 people died.The violence in Port Said sparked riots in Cairo during which a further 16 people died.
A section of al-Ahly supporters, known as the "ultras", played a prominent role in the protests against ex-President Mubarak.A section of al-Ahly supporters, known as the "ultras", played a prominent role in the protests against ex-President Mubarak.
Some accused supporters of the toppled leader of instigating the Port Said violence. They also accused of doing little to prevent it. Some accused supporters of the toppled leader of instigating the Port Said violence. They also accused them of doing little to prevent it.
When the death sentences were announced on Saturday, relatives of victims cheered in the courtroom. All 21 defendants sentenced to death on Saturday were al-Masry fans. When the verdicts were announced by a judge in the Cairo court, relatives of victims cheered.
However supporters and relatives of those sentenced tried to storm Port Said prison. Two policemen were killed in the clash, security officials said. However, the ruling sparked violence in Port Said, where supporters and relatives of those sentenced tried to storm the prison. The eight people who died in the clash included two policemen, officials say.
Seventy-three people, including policemen, were tried over the stadium clashes. Seventy-three people, including nine policemen, were tried over the stadium clashes. None are al-Ahly fans.
The judge said he would announce the verdict for the remaining 52 defendants on 9 March. The judge said he would announce verdicts for the remaining defendants on 9 March.
Economic 'collapse'Economic 'collapse'
Friday saw a big anti-government rally in Cairo's Tahrir Square, with opposition supporters clashing with police.Friday saw a big anti-government rally in Cairo's Tahrir Square, with opposition supporters clashing with police.
There was also unrest in 12 out of 27 of Egypt's provinces. At least six of the deaths occurred in Suez.There was also unrest in 12 out of 27 of Egypt's provinces. At least six of the deaths occurred in Suez.
In Ismailia, protesters set fire to the headquarters of the Freedom and Justice Party, the political arm of the Muslim Brotherhood. The city's governorate headquarters was later also stormed.In Ismailia, protesters set fire to the headquarters of the Freedom and Justice Party, the political arm of the Muslim Brotherhood. The city's governorate headquarters was later also stormed.
The liberal opposition accuses Mr Morsi of being autocratic and driving through a new constitution that does not protect adequately freedom of expression or religion.The liberal opposition accuses Mr Morsi of being autocratic and driving through a new constitution that does not protect adequately freedom of expression or religion.
The government is also being blamed for a deepening economic crisis.The government is also being blamed for a deepening economic crisis.
One of the demonstrators at Cairo's Tahrir Square, Momen Asour, said he had come to demand an end to President Morsi's rule.One of the demonstrators at Cairo's Tahrir Square, Momen Asour, said he had come to demand an end to President Morsi's rule.
"We have not seen anything, Neither freedom, nor social justice, or any solution to unemployment, or any investment," he said. "On the contrary, the economy has collapsed.""We have not seen anything, Neither freedom, nor social justice, or any solution to unemployment, or any investment," he said. "On the contrary, the economy has collapsed."
President Morsi and his allies have dismissed the claim, saying they have a democratic mandate following recent elections. The constitution, drawn up by an Islamist-dominated body, was approved by referendum last month.President Morsi and his allies have dismissed the claim, saying they have a democratic mandate following recent elections. The constitution, drawn up by an Islamist-dominated body, was approved by referendum last month.