Syrian snipers kill two journalists

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Two more journalists have been killed in Syria. An Al-Jazeera reporter, Mohamed al-Mesalma (aka Mohamed al-Hourani), was shot by a sniper in the city of Daraa on Friday (18 January), reports the Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ).

A local media video showed al-Mesalma, microphone in hand, running across a street with members of his Al-Jazeera crew, as he was shot. It is not known whether the sniper fire came from government or anti-government forces.

The day before, a Belgian-born French journalist working for the online news magazine Assaut (Assault), Yves Debay, was killed by a sniper in Aleppo, reported the CPJ.

Debay, a veteran war correspondent, was accompanying fighters from the Free Syrian Army who were aiming to reclaim a local hospital. It is thought the sniper was affiliated with the Syrian regime because he was stationed at the top of the central prison.

<em>Sources:</em> CPJ/IFEX