Cameron Delays Talk on New Role in Europe

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LONDON — The stage for the one-man show was set, the drama widely anticipated and the critics assembled. But the star dropped out at the last moment, saying he would reschedule when he could.

So it was on Thursday when Prime Minister David Cameron canceled a long-anticipated, much-delayed speech in Amsterdam on Britain’s future in Europe. Mr. Cameron cited the need to stay in London to be on hand for developments in the hostage crisis in Algeria, where Britons were among the dozens of captives taken by Islamic militants at a gas plant operated partly by BP, a British-based oil giant.

But some who have followed the tortuous dispute over Europe within Mr. Cameron’s Conservative Party fancied that they could almost hear the sighs of relief at 10 Downing Street at the unexpected reprieve. Conservative prime ministers have wrestled unsuccessfully for 40 years over the deep split within the party over Britain’s ties with Europe, and Mr. Cameron has been no exception.

In Amsterdam, Mr. Cameron planned to set out an outline of a plan to renegotiate a pared-down role for Britain in the 27-nation European Union, rebuffing the centralizing momentum in other major European nations as they struggle to save the euro, the common currency that Britain has shunned, and to call a referendum by 2018 on the result.

But the reviews for his plan in Britain’s newspapers on Thursday were dismal, with few on either side of the European debate giving Mr. Cameron much chance of reconciling factions within his own party, much less of gaining traction with major European powers like France and Germany, both impatient with what they see as Britain’s opportunism as they grapple with the systemic troubles of the euro zone.