London Underground: top tube tracks Version 0 of 1. The London Underground is 150 years old this week. On 9 January 1863 the first tube train embarked from Paddington station – and now the system transports 1,107 million passengers each year, employs 19,000 staff, and serves 270 stations with a total of 426 escalators (see the TFL key facts page for more of these exciting stats). The Guardian celebrates this anniversary today with a special edition of G2, featuring the best tube stops, the finest underground movies and – oh yes – Stephen Moss traveling along the Central line. We'd also like your help compiling a list of songs about the London Underground. Add your recommendations to the comment thread below, or to this Spotify playlist. Ideally, we'd like to get a list that includes songs mentioning each of London's 270 underground stations – but there probably aren't many tunes written about Totteridge and Whetstone, Mudchute or Ickenham. Perhaps we're wrong – let us know. |