Newspaper review: Papers critical of coalition review Version 0 of 1. There is much comment and analysis of the coalition's mid-term review. The <a href="" >Guardian detects what it calls "growing faultlines"</a> over welfare reform. It says deputy prime minister Nick Clegg is unhappy with Tory rhetoric contrasting "shirkers verses strivers". The <a href="" >Times</a> focuses on the departure from the cabinet of Lord Strathclyde - and his reported suggestion that the coalition in the House of Lords is "broken". <a href="" >According to the Independent</a>, Lord Strathclyde's resignation left a stain on David Cameron's "Ronseal relaunch". The <a href="" >Daily Mirror says it turned it into a "fiasco"</a>. Child warning The <a href="" >Daily Telegraph reports that doctors are applying for a court order</a> to allow them to carry out an abortion on a mentally disabled woman without her consent. The woman, who cannot be identified for legal reasons, has suffered a series of strokes caused by sickle cell disease and is said to have "significant learning impairment". The paper says the case will be heard by the Court of Protection in London later this week. The <a href="" >Daily Mirror says children are being put at risk of developing cancer later in adult life</a> by spending too much time sitting in front of screens watching television, playing video games or surfing the internet. The paper reports findings from the World Cancer Research Fund, which says that even youngsters who take the recommended amount of daily physical activity are at risk. The organisation wants parents to limit screen time to two hours a day, and stop toddlers getting into the viewing habit too early. Good Samaritan The <a href="" >Daily Mail leads with an estimate that the man who has presided over a series of price hikes at British Gas</a>, Phil Bentley, may leave his job within months with a £13m payout. The paper calculates that the sum would be enough to pay a typical family's gas and electricity bills for 9,000 years. The <a href="" >Daily Telegraph</a> reports that a good Samaritan who allowed two crash survivors to shelter in her car was later forced to watch the fire brigade cut off the vehicle's roof. Janice Dunlop was on hand to help when a recycling lorry overturned on the A27 at Arundel in West Sussex, hitting two cars. By the time an ambulance arrived, the man and woman sitting in her car could no longer move. Cutting gear was used to remove the roof, turning her car into a write-off. Squirrel peril The sound of a zebra finch is said to be more complex than anything found in an orchestra. They have been studied by scientists in Denmark who have have discovered that songbirds have two pairs of vocal cords. The <a href="" >Daily Express says it enables them to produce two notes at the same time</a>. Finally, the <a href="" >Sun is among several papers to report that firefighters in Watford were sent to rescue a squirrel</a>. The creature had fallen into a town centre pond with steep concrete sides and a member of the public who spotted its predicament dialled 999. Having called the "fur brigade" - as the Sun calls them - a ladder was lowered into the pond and the rodent scampered up to safety. |