BJP's Narendra Modi sworn in as Gujarat chief minister Version 0 of 1. Hindu nationalist leader Narendra Modi has been sworn in as the chief minister of India's Gujarat state for a fourth successive term. Mr Modi's Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) won 115 seats in the 182-seat state assembly last week. The polls were seen as another referendum on the popularity of Mr Modi, who has held power in the western state since October 2001. Mr Modi has been tipped as a potential future prime minister. Under his leadership, Gujarat has been turned into one of India's economic powerhouses. But he is seen as a divisive figure, having been chief minister during the 2002 religious riots when more than 1,000 people, mostly Muslims, were killed. Mr Modi was accused of doing little to stop the riots, although he denies this. He was administered the oath of office by Gujarat Governor Kamala Beniwal. Top BJP leaders and Tamil Nadu Chief Minister J Jayalalithaa also attended the swearing-in ceremony held amid tight security. |